State Sen. Gwen Margolis will try again to get the sale, possession and use of powdered alcohol, or “palcohol,” banned in Florida.
Margolis, a Miami-Dade Democrat, filed her bill (SB 392) on Wednesday for the 2016 Legislative Session, which begins in January.
A similar bill she sponsored last session passed the Senate on a 35-2 vote but died in the House.
Some lawmakers were skeptical of a ban, saying the substance should instead be regulated like other alcoholic products.
But Margolis has said palcohol was an oncoming public safety issue that needed to be taken out.
Palcohol can be sold in pouches equal to one shot and then mixed with water, juice or another beverage. As reported earlier this year, its inventor once promoted it as something that could be spirited into concerts.
The federal government approved palcohol in March, making it legal to be sold in the United States, though it is not yet on the market, according to the manufacturer.
Margolis’ latest measure makes its sale a first-degree misdemeanor, while using it would be a “noncriminal violation” that carries a $250 fine.
The bill exempts health care providers “conducting scientific research,” any “state university or private college or university” and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
As of August, 25 states have banned powdered alcohol outright or temporarily, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.