Former U.S. President Donald Trump offered on Thursday a scathing critique of the Joe Biden administration’s response to the events in Cuba, calling the response a “national travesty” and much more in a four-paragraph screed.
“I fought for Cuba, they didn’t,” Trump asserted, the close to a missive strongly supporting protesters and yoking Democrats and communists into one anti-freedom mass.
“The proud people of Cuba are desperate to be free from the iron boot heel of the Island’s wicked Communist Regime. These incredible warriors for freedom risk everything to take to the streets in their quest for freedom. I stand in total solidarity with the freedom fighters in Cuba and the brave Cuban Americans who have watched their families suffer in the motherland at the hands of this heartless and brutal regime.
“The Biden Administration’s refusal to forcefully condemn Communism and the Cuban Communist Regime is a national travesty. The Biden Administration’s ludicrous suggestion that the Cubans are protesting government mismanagement — not brutal Communist oppression — is an insult to every Cuban patriot who has suffered, been imprisoned, or died in pursuit of freedom,” Trump added.
Democrats, Trump lamented, “are so far left they can’t even take a stand against violent communism.”
“Many are communists themselves,” the former President maintained, before closing by lamenting the Biden administration is undoing his legacy.
“As President, I advanced a strategic vision in which the people of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua would be free, and that the Western Hemisphere would be the first fully free hemisphere in all of human history. The Biden Administration is squandering a historic opportunity to stand for freedom and human rights in our home region. The Biden Administration is betraying the freedom-loving people of Cuba. I fought for Cuba, they didn’t,” Trump asserted.
Some will speculate about which passages came from Trump and which from one of his aides, and others will wonder why Trump’s “strategic vision” didn’t lead to democracy in any of the three countries. Regardless, Trump’s comments Thursday are a reminder that buzz for potential Primary candidates notwithstanding, it is Trump’s party, and Biden’s soft response to Cuban unrest offers another opportunity for contrast with the current White House for the once and perhaps future President.
July 15, 2021 at 5:22 pm
Where is this statement from? Not found on donaldtrump.com. I have seen it on Facebook and trying to verify authenticity. Thank you
Frankie M.
July 15, 2021 at 10:19 pm
Better a national travesty than a national embarassment like Donnie, amirite?
July 17, 2021 at 1:25 pm
July 17, 2021 at 1:27 pm
July 15, 2021 at 7:04 pm
A disturbing piece. Trump and Melania weren’t exactly FDR & Eleanor or JFK & Jackie. At least Trump isnt a war monger. The news is what is paid for now. Playwright Dr. Larry Myers is finishing a new stage work “Santeria Street Theater” about the boisterous Cuban protests. Myers – a 40 years of experience university professor & rights activist -was just in Surfside Miami volunteering at the tragic Condo Crash area. His service/learning dramatic arts chip in. help & are compassionate lightworkers with a calling far above the word wranglers here. America is still a democracy & younger playwrights should deal with important issues metaphorically. Theater is not just for escape, distraction & entertainment, Myers Cube play is dedicated to his friends the late Maria Irene Fornes.
Michael Hoffmann
July 15, 2021 at 10:10 pm
I fought for Cuba, they didn’t,” Trump asserted. Trump isn’t a war monger — so far. But when he becomes President in August, will he open up the state and country to massive Cuban migration?
Frankie M.
July 15, 2021 at 10:17 pm
I heard it was September? Who you been talking to??
Did Donnie say anything about the governor the state he resides in banning protests? I guess protests are ok as long as they’re not in Florida, amirite comrade??
Brenda Torrres
July 16, 2021 at 12:37 pm
Not really. If Cubans can have a life similar to what we have, they wouldn’t need to migrate. Before Castro people came to the U.S. as tourists, to study or to shop, and later went back on the fairy. There are many successful Cubans in this country that would love to go back and bring Cuba back to it’s glory days.
July 18, 2021 at 10:37 pm
LOl Glory Days? Cuab was a play ground of the US with the masses without healthcare education etc… That’s why they had a revolution..
July 24, 2021 at 10:59 am
Thats ridiculous.
Frankie M.
July 15, 2021 at 10:15 pm
I’m glad he delineated between violent communist regimes and just your run of the mill garden variety. Otherwise Vlad’s ears might be ringing. I know Donnie fancies himself a modern day advocate of the Monroe Doctrine but he’s really just a bag of hot air much like his sycophant Rick Scott. The only reason these faux freedom loving gas bags want these dictatorships out is so that they can make $$ off the 3 or 4 multinational companies that will spring up to replace them. And that kids is not a democracy…that’s called an oligarchy. Write that down.
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