In the aftermath of a close vote in Jacksonville Tuesday, a Democratic legislator is accusing the local Republican Party of “dog whistle” messaging designed to appeal to “White supremacists.”
Republicans discount that claim as “absurd.”
Tracye Polson, a Democrat, edged Republican Nick Howland in Tuesday night’s Special Election for Jacksonville City Council At Large Group 3. The two next head to a run-off in the Feb. 22 General Election, and it’s heating up already.
House District 14 Rep. Angie Nixon took issue with a statement Tuesday evening from the Duval County Republican Party, which said Polson would never “darken the door” of City Hall.
Polson is White, but Nixon tweeted there was no mistaking the hidden messaging in the statement from Duval GOP chairman Dean Black.
“What do you ACTUALLY MEAN using the statement ‘We will elect Republican Nick Howland and ensure that Tracye ‘Pelosi’ never darkens the door of City Hall.’?! It seems like a blatant dog whistle to drum up support of white supremacists,” Nixon tweeted.
“It seems that’s the route they want to take. Which is typical of the politics coming out of this city and state’s administrations. This is shameful and hateful! I will not sit idly by as failed city leadership attempts to hand over my city to corporations and the good ol’ boys,” Nixon added.
“This is obviously absurd,” Duval County Republican Party Executive Director Donovan J. Bradley responded. “I understand the Representative’s desire to want to distract from her ‘woke’ candidate’s disastrous showing last night. The statement stands as read.”
Bradley cited the Merriam-Webster definition of the phrase “darken the door” as “to go to or appear at a place where one is not welcome anymore” as backup. The phrase was first coined by founding father Ben Franklin.
Black’s statement did include the phrase “darkens the door,” but the rest of it was fairly boilerplate pejorative, painting Polson as a checkbook candidate with a high burn rate.
“Despite spending over $300,000 — including over $200,000 of her own money — Far Left Millionaire Tracye ‘Pelosi’ failed to buy a seat for City Council and turned in a disappointing showing Tuesday evening. Along with her failed attempt to run for office in 2018, she has now burned over a million dollars to buy support from Jacksonville voters — who have once again rejected her,” Black contended.
“It’s clear that Duval County isn’t ready for a radical ‘woke’ Democrat and hypocrite who supports defunding JSO for regular people while she sits in her gated community mansion. The Republican Party is united and ready for the real contest,” Black continued. “On February 22nd, we will elect Republican Nick Howland and ensure that Tracye ‘Pelosi’ never darkens the door of City Hall!”
Nixon’s comments come as Polson underperformed among Black Democrats despite endorsements from elected officials.
James Jacobs, who ran on a shoestring budget, carried 11 precincts in Council Districts 7-10. He was competitive in many others. After his defeat, Jacobs offered a back-handed congratulations to Nixon and other elected officials backing her.
“I would have rather (gone) against Polson on her own merit rather than her receiving elected officials’ help to defeat a local coach,” Jacobs asserted.
December 8, 2021 at 9:01 am
In summary, there is an enthusiasm gap among black Democrats, who not shockingly aren’t excited to vote for yet another old white person to “represent” them. So along comes Angie Nixon trying to generate a faux racism controversy where there is none.
Besides, if she had ever met Dean she would know he’s too dumb to “dog whistle.”
Frankie M.
December 8, 2021 at 12:22 pm
Who says “darken the doors” anymore? Who are you George Burns? Next thing you know he’ll start using words like blip.
Why shouldn’t they appeal to white supremacists? That’s their target demographic. In the words of Lenny “don’t hate the play hate the game.”
Me Thinks
December 8, 2021 at 12:24 pm
Methinks Nixon is a racist.
Donald Meadows
December 8, 2021 at 3:06 pm
And these hate filled comments and commentary by this Republican “Good old boys “ group are why so many have left that party. And exactly why our River City has turned to “CRAP!” Jacksonville deserves better. Howland showed exactly who he is by his “petty and meaningless diatribe”
That’s NOT who I want sitting on our council. There’s many that need to be replaced. 6.4M given away in the dead of night to friends and family! What’s out Homicide rate again? But, our council president believes his “great and good lady friend” deserves 200,000 for her dress shop! Boylan couldn’t resign fast enough from an oversight board focusing on JSO! Or giving 300,000 to a newspaper in Gadsden! Everyone of the sitting council members gave hundreds of thousands of dollars and up to millions to lawn care businesses, Garden teaching- Who is looking out for residents who cannot even get their trash picked up?
Republicans have done enough damage here. Don’t ever forget JEA & Lenny Curry and the payout we are still making to his excellent hire of AARON ZAHN!
Sticky fingers all!
race baiters
December 8, 2021 at 8:52 pm
Blacks continually use the race card. Just like Ben Frazier of the northside coalition, everything is about race, race race, that is all they have
Audrey Gibson
December 8, 2021 at 11:20 pm
Since I “stand accused” (that’s a song by Issac Hayes if one is no “woke”), darkening the door is an out of touch phrase denoting a shadow at the door by someone attempting to enter and unless one is a ghost like some candidates in recent political races, one makes one for good or not. The blatant wink, wink is the reference to ‘her woke candidate’s’ blah, blah. Perhaps a reference to the phrase “hip to” may be better relatable to the person who made the comment, since the terms mean the same thing. Regardless it was an attempt to denigrate a class of people and that is unacceptable. While I have never used the now defunct term “defund the police” the context of training, community prevention, civil citations and other potential positive direction budget items have been conveniently twisted to imply something else. Lastly, no group of people are monolithic and as far as I’m concerned I didn’t hear or see any lit or media of any candidate that laid out any concrete plan to address the myriad of issues in our city good or negative, thus part of the minimal differences in the top and second finishers. I don’t endorse because I believe I have some magical powers, heck, I have naysayers too, I do so because I believe a balance of power empowers the people, If I do so its because someone takes the time to have a conversation about being committed to put in the work, and has some thought about building bridges and relationships for the good of the whole, prioritizing budget values, who agrees to be accessible in the grocery store and at the office. A chat is at least a starting point. Let’s have a race that focuses on the issues of a diverse majority minority continual growing city, how we become more than a pass thru to Orlando and beyond, and insulate ourselves from barks, whistles, and gross divisiveness and neglect. Let’s dust off those myriad of studies from JCCI(remember that national model organization?) and DuPont and move forward.
December 9, 2021 at 1:50 am
Audrey, why dont you talk to Ben Frazier and the northside coaltion. They are full of hate and divisiveness. Good place for you to start the healing.
Charlotte Greenbarg
December 9, 2021 at 9:38 am
Disgusting race card played yet again.
Frankie M.
December 9, 2021 at 1:09 pm
Who didn’t see a runoff coming? I think the question we should be asking is why did we have this election in the first place? So we can have another one in a few months? Then another one a year from that one? We are just a glutton for punishment. Meaningless election after meaningless election and they wonder why people are so apathetic. Just do it once so that it actually means something.
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