As a candidate for the presidency, Ron DeSantis proposes to expand executive branch law enforcement powers and hold the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice “accountable” to the White House.
“And then at the executive level, every Republican President in recent times, including Trump, has accepted this idea that agencies like the DOJ and FBI are ‘independent agencies,’ you can’t mess with them, you can’t do anything,” DeSantis fumed in Ankeny on Tuesday.
“Well, excuse me, that means they’re not accountable to anybody. Every source of power needs to be accountable to somebody that’s elected by you,” DeSantis counseled. “And if they’re not … if they’re not accountable to the elected President of the United States, that means they can do whatever they want.”
“Why would you want to have the agencies that can put people in jail to not be accountable? It makes no sense. So we’re going to hold them accountable; we’re going to be involved.”
DeSantis has made this case before in Iowa, saying the idea that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice are “independent agencies” is just a “canard” that allows them to be unaccountable to the Executive Branch.
DeSantis said, “part of the reason you’ve seen these agencies weaponized is because they haven’t been held accountable by anybody for many, many decades.”
“There’s this canard in Washington that they’re ‘independent agencies’, that the President’s not allowed to be involved in DOJ or FBI. That’s politicizing justice is what they say,” the Governor griped. “Well, let me tell you this, if you’re not allowed to be involved, if they’re independent, that’s another way of saying they’re unaccountable to anybody.”
DeSantis claimed that “The Founders understood” that if power is allowed to “accumulate,” then those agencies would naturally “abuse their power.”
“And these agencies are in Washington D.C. It’s toxic,” DeSantis argued. “It’s a political environment, left of the left, D.C. is the most Democrat jurisdiction in the entire United States of America, more Democrat than San Francisco even. And that bleeds into everything that these agencies are doing.”
DeSantis said he might move the FBI Civil Rights division to “Oklahoma” or “Arkansas” in seeming response to that registration imbalance.
Michael K
December 19, 2023 at 11:41 pm
Idiot. Does he not understand the danger of politicizing independent agencies? What he’s proposing is a step toward authoritarianism. Stupid idea, but good thing he will never even get .close to being president.
Josh Green
December 20, 2023 at 12:05 am
It’s not a step, but a giant leap right into authoritarianism.
This is absolutely disqualifying. And anybody who supports this can go f*ck right off to Russia or China where stuff like this is the norm.
Earl Pitts "Sage Expert on Political Matters" American
December 20, 2023 at 6:41 am
Good Morn ‘Ting America,
This sage wisdom from Ron is a direct result of the politization of the fbi (note fbi in lower case letters as the former honorable agency has been $ucking the Democratic Partys teat for WAY TOO LONG).
Once Ron & The Beautiful Casey move into The White House for the NEXT 8 YEARS I, Earl Pitts American, will serve as our Great Nations National Law Enforcement CZAR and will appoint the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT of LAW ENFORCEMENT over the fbi ( again lower case letters ), force EVERY fbi employee to RESIGN and RE-APPLY for their jobs …. AND BOOM AMERICA ….. problem solved by me, Earl Pitts American and HONOR restored to THE FBI (note honorable UPPER CASE LETTERS restored) and we will all live happily ever after under “Blessed Truth, Justice, and The American Way thanks to Ron, Casey, and me, Earl Pitts American.
See how simple it is for Earl to fix stuff the Democrats have €FFED UP?
Earl Pitts American
December 20, 2023 at 11:55 am
Hey Pedo… If DeSantis is elected – slim chance – will Moms for Hot Republican Lesbians get their own office in the West Wing? And will Casey liaise?
Josh Green
December 20, 2023 at 12:03 am
Um, how about NO and you go f*ck right off with that.
This is just about the stupidest, and most dangerous thing this moron could possibly suggest. We have a decentralization of power and branches of government keeping each accountable for a reason.
This isn’t Russia, Mr. DeSantis.
This guy really is a fascist. Unbelievable that a so called “Freedom Loving American” would even suggest such an outrageous thing.
My Take
December 20, 2023 at 12:37 am
You can be sure the NKVD was fully açountable to Stalin.
December 20, 2023 at 4:38 am
Well, he might be president He has Mike Johnson with him tonight in Iowa. Johnson and several other R- governors are out campaigning for Desantis these next 5 weeks. He is more dangerous than Trump.
December 21, 2023 at 11:03 am
Trump is scarier than Dee, IMHO.
Both stink! I was hoping they would engage in a Texas death match, like Gordon Sollee used to describe on Wrestling from Florida. But, Trump is doing the rope-a-dope on Dee.
Trump could still get bounced from the race … giving Dee his shot.
My Take
December 20, 2023 at 12:42 am
He really is a fascist fool.
“Being independent means they can be weaponiźed.”
December 20, 2023 at 1:05 am
Glad to see people starting to refer to DeSantis by the label that best reflects his political orientation, namely fascist. This he shares with Trump; both therefor have no legitimate place within America’s democratic political structures.
My Take
December 20, 2023 at 12:59 pm
We could make a new fascism symbol with sugar cane rather than wheat.
December 20, 2023 at 1:23 am
“DeSantis said he might move the FBI Civil Rights division to ’Oklahoma’ or ‘Arkansas’ “… What, not to the White House? Oh yeah, the White House is located within Washington DC, that bastion of unlimited “leftist extremism” that pollutes everything within it with its overwhelming liberal leftist stench… so I guess he’ll need to relocate tbe White House and indeed all of federal government elsewhere… no doubt somewhere in Florida where extremist right-wing stench might have a chance at “correcting” each agency’s direction of focus to what it “should” be, namely DeSantis family whims.
Father David Patterson
December 20, 2023 at 1:26 am
Terrible excuse for an American.
Where did this guy go to school?
John Q Public
December 20, 2023 at 7:07 am
After reading the artical and related comnents I recomend all voters to elect desantis even if it means crossing party lines. We must restore honor to America before china and russia and others invade and kill us all
Thanks John
Dont Say FLA
December 20, 2023 at 11:57 am
If you don’t want Russia invading the USA, maybe ask your G0P reps to toss some money Ukraine’s way such that Russia is kept busy and keep on endlessly depleting their war making resources while simultaneously seeing their power globally decline, approaching nil.
Or don’t, and keep on hoping for the G0P to get something done on the Southern US border despite their having done nothing to “solve” the border problem since the border isn’t their “problem.” It’s their solution.
we should trust our government
December 20, 2023 at 8:19 am
I’m not understanding why Rona said “part of the reason that you have seen these agencies weaponized …” I don’t know that there is anything to suggest that they have been “weaponized” What does that even mean? We should demand proof. I believe that Rona is merely parroting a right wing “talking point” that is designed to mislead citizens. In in event, what would Rona say are other “reasons” for this phantom conspiracy? Divine intervention? Random evil? The Internet? Geeze, I thought that the courts provided due process to those arrested by the FBI or subject to DOJ prosecution. I simply don’t understand why a responsible American citizen would spend time publicly diminishing law enforcement agencies and claiming that they are biased and corrupt. Sounds like a recipe for disaster for our Republic. Rona has some serious explaining to do here.
Earl Pitts "Your Roving SNN Reporter" American
December 20, 2023 at 8:40 am
Good Morn’ting “we should”,
This is your roving SNN (Sage News Network) reporter Earl Pitts American.
Your post has been reviewed by our SNN Team of Post Review Experts and found to contain 93.67% babbaling non-sensencial content.
Your roving SNN reporter signing off,
Earl Pitts American
Earl Pitts is a Pedophile
December 20, 2023 at 10:43 am
Shoot yourself in the head.
December 20, 2023 at 9:33 am
Please just shut up and go govern your broken state, Tiny D you wannabe dictator, you’re completely out of your element here.
December 20, 2023 at 10:34 am
There’s a large, empty lot in downtown Oklahoma City that would accommodate the FBI.
Dont Say FLA
December 20, 2023 at 11:53 am
Reagan didn’t like independent journalism, so he changed the rules and now we have “news” stations like FoxNews and NewsMax.
Do we really want FoxNews or NewsMax versions of the FBI or DOJ?
No. No we do not. Not unless we plan to be manipulated by them like FoxNews and NewsMax manipulate Trump and Rhonda.
My Take
December 20, 2023 at 2:29 pm
Appropriate time for discussion.
Last Sunday was the anniversary of the founding of the Soviet State police.
Dzerzhinsky Square in Moscow is named after the foundèr..
And tomorrow is Stalin’s birthday.
December 20, 2023 at 10:15 pm
Trump should look into having himself preserved like the dead Russian dictators. It’s expensive, but Trump’s supporters would be ecstatic to preserve DJT — perhaps at the Wax Museum?
My Take
December 20, 2023 at 11:22 pm
A lock of his hair at some touchable spot in the National Trump Temple (on the Mall or in Central Park) would undoubtedly cure many dire ills.
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