Florida added 15,700 private sector jobs in September, the second highest total among the 50 states, according to a report released Wednesday by payroll company ADP.
The ADP Regional Employment Report data puts Florida ahead of all states except California, which added 35,100 jobs last month, and marks the best gain for the Sunshine State since ADP’s June report, when Florida posted a 21,400-job gain. Texas came in third with 14,300 new jobs, followed by New York with 12,900.
The report shows 12,100 of Florida’s new jobs were added in service industries, with the other 3,600 jobs heading to goods-producing industries. The professional and business services sector won the industry breakdown with 3,100 new positions. The natural resources, mining and construction industry added 3,000 jobs and Florida trade, transportation and utility companies rounded out the breakdown with 2,400 September hires.
The figures also top the state’s performance in the September 2014 report, which saw Florida add 12,560 jobs.
The South, which includes 17 states and Washington D.C., was the top performing region for the fifth month in a row, posting a 71,000-job gain in September. Western states came in second with 55,000 new jobs, while the Midwest and Northeast regions added 34,000 and 29,000 jobs, respectively, for a total gain of 200,000 jobs nationally.
The report, released monthly with help from Moody’s Analytics, is based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics as well as ADP’s in-house payroll data. The next report is scheduled for a Nov. 11 release.