A new radio advertisement that takes a swipe at Donald Trump and his profanity-laced speeches is set to begin airing in South Carolina.
The 60-second spot — paid for by Right to Rise USA, the super PAC backing Jeb Bush — ponders whether Trump shares South Carolina voters’ values. The advertisement features snippets from Trump’s speeches, where he is heard using some salty language. Right to Rise bleeps out any profanity.
“The time is now for South Carolina to end the Trump charade,” a man says in the advertisement. “We need a serious leader in the White House. That man is Jeb Bush. He’ll unity our country, not divide us. He’s a man of deep faith who will make us proud.”
The advertisement is set to begin airing on South Carolina radio stations Monday.
The Bush campaign is pulling out all the stops in advance of the Palmetto State’s Republican primary on Saturday. Former President George W. Bush is scheduled to attend a campaign rally for his brother on Monday. The former president has also been featured in a radio spot paid for by the Bush campaign running in South Carolina.
The former Florida governor is hoping for a strong finish in South Carolina. According to polling averages compiled by RealClearPolitics, he is currently in fifth.
The South Carolina Republican primary is Saturday.