One of the biggest criticisms coming out of Hillary Clinton‘s press conference on Tuesday was her admission that she opted to use a personal email account during her time as Secretary of State because, “I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two.”
That comment led many observers to note that you can actually have two email accounts on one smartphone.
But Bill Nelson understands where Clinton is coming from, telling CNN today that he would rather carry around one phone on his person, even though you can put two or more email accounts on the same phone.
“Think about it,” he said. “I don’t want to carry around two iPhones in my pocket. I want to operate from one. Now, had she done it, which she says in hindsight, she would have preferred to do it that way, she would have been making choices as to what was a personal email, and what was a department email. And you wouldn’t under the circumstances if she had done it that way, be going after her personal emails. So, I’m satisfied.”
According to Mashable‘s Pete Pachal, when Clinton’s stint at State began in 2009, “most smartphones could accommodate more than one email account, so Clinton’s excuse for not wanting two devices for two email addresses may not ring true to many people,” he writes.
However, “Prior to 2013, though, there was no standard way to secure a BlackBerry like Clinton’s with two email accounts, at least not without giving the IT person in charge complete control over all the data on the phone, work and personal. To fulfill the criteria that Clinton demanded — secure email that’s not sitting on a cloud service, plus a single-BlackBerry solution — she had just one option: Set up her own email server.”
Meanwhile, the Florida Democrat also repeated his disappointment with 47 of his GOP Senate colleagues for penning an open letter to the Iranian government that reminded them that any nuclear deal made with President Barack Obama could by revoked or modified by a future president and/or Congress.
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