Donald Trump makes a lot of news on Twitter, but Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum says the president still won’t tweet to him directly.
Gillum pushed back at a presidential tweet that didn’t reference the Tallahassee mayor by name but clearly called his record into question.
Trump today tweeted: “Ron @RonDeSantisFL DeSantis is working hard. A great Congressman and top student at Harvard & Yale, Ron will be a record-setting governor for Florida. Rick Scott gave him tremendous foundations to further build on. His opponent runs one of the worst & most corrupt cities in USA!”
Twenty minutes after the missive hit the web, Gillum while campaigning in Pahokee took to social media himself.
“When you lie about me from the most powerful office in the world and still don’t have the courage to @ me,” Gillum tweeted.
Trump’s original tweet, of course, did use Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis’ Twitter handle, a move which sends a user a notification immediately. Expectedly, DeSantis retweeted the message to his own followers — 24 minutes after the post was sent.
“Thank you, Mr. President. What an honor to have your support! Florida is a great state. We will do great things together — see you soon!,” DeSantis commented himself.
That actually happened after Gillum retweeted the post with his rebuke of the Commander in Chief.
Of course, Gillum didn’t use Trump’s handle either, so who knows if Trump got the word.
But this isn’t the first time Gillum called the social media courtesies of the White House’s most prominent occupant into question. At Gillum’s general election campaign launch in Orlando, Gillum asserted from the podium Trump was “unfortunately a little cowardly. He won’t @ me y’all.”
As for Trump’s most recent swipe, it swings back to a regular theme of contrast on the part of the DeSantis campaign, which regularly spotlights the crime rate in Tallahassee and an ongoing corruption investigation at City Hall.
Behold, the collective tweets, below:
When you lie about me from the most powerful office in the world and still don’t have the courage to @ me… https://t.co/ESxXG5j6eH
— Andrew Gillum (@AndrewGillum) October 20, 2018
👍🏼👍🏼 Thank you, Mr. President. What an honor to have your support! Florida is a great state. We will do great things together— see you soon! #MAGA #Florida @ScottforFlorida https://t.co/a3ZmLaX4lE
— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantisFL) October 20, 2018
Ray Tampa
October 20, 2018 at 5:11 pm
Trump tweeted that Rick Scott has given Ron DeSantis a great foundation to build on. Yes, a great foundation of corruption, self-indulgence, lies, deception and crookedness.
Thank God, the Supreme Court kicked Scott in the azz with his claim of having the authority to appoint three justices to the court on his way out the door.
October 21, 2018 at 2:53 am
Rick Scott has done a great job as Governor. Trump is undoing the damage of Obama, creating a booming economy and the lowest unemployment rates in 50 years. Why would Floridians want to steer Florida off course and into the gutter by electing Gillum – a small city mayor who did scrappy job protecting his city?
October 22, 2018 at 6:16 am
Yeah, I havent gotten a raise and no more money from tax cuts. Cat afford health care, etc…how is this better? I couldnt find a job until Obama got into office! Republicans are selfish lying narcissists and never try to help working people. They want to take us back to the Handmaids tale-WOMEN are people too idiots!
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