Florida Democrats raised nearly $4,000 in less than one day to bring a giant inflatable of President Donald Trump as a crying baby to Florida Tuesday as Trump is expected in Sunrise for a campaign rally.
The giant balloon has been all over the U.S. and Europe for various protests and rallies and serves as a new icon of Democratic frustration over an embattled Republican President.
The balloon shows a plump baby Trump wearing a diaper wearing a scowl under the token yellow Trump hair and the skin has the orange hue Trump critics have come to enjoy mocking.
The balloon will be the center point of a counterprotest Democrats are organizing as Trump prepares to go on stage for a “welcome home” rally after he officially changed his state of residence from New York to Florida.
“This is a sign of Trump’s weakness in Florida. Democratic activists in Florida are fired up to send Trump packing in 2020. They are raising funds for a counterprotest, registering voters, knocking on doors, and volunteering with the party at unprecedented levels,” Florida Democratic Party chair Terrie Rizzo said.
“Trump may have moved to Florida expecting to be greeted with a red carpet, but instead, he is being greeted with a retirement party.”
The fundraising effort on a GoFundMe page brought in 163 donors who contributed an average of less than $23 each.
Iconic actress Bette Midler and social media influencers took to Facebook Tuesday to share the GoFundMe page and boost support. GoFundMe told the Democratic Party the page had been shared nearly 2,000 times.
The Trump baby balloon first appeared in London’s Parliament Square in the summer of 2018 as more than 100,000 people showed up to protest allegations of sexual misconduct against Trump and his controversial policies. Trump was in the U.K. at the time for an official state visit.
The balloon or replications have since made appearances in Edinburgh, Scotland, France, Argentina, Ireland, Denmark and the United States.
November 21, 2019 at 12:57 pm
I love that thing! Not as much as I love DJT however! MAGA 2020 bitches!
November 21, 2019 at 8:56 pm
This balloon is very offensive to many of us who live here and we like the things this President is doing for this country, unlike the other Socialist view and lies of promises never kept party. It time to wake up Democrat voters, do you want more government, taxes, taxes, taxes in your lives? If you do, feel free to pay my share. TAKE DOWN THE BALLOON 🎈
God Bless America
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