State health officials counted 854 new COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, raising the total of confirmed cases to 46,442 as the state takes the next step in reopening.
The Department of Health (DOH) confirmed an additional 24 fatalities with the novel coronavirus, all Florida residents, raising the combined death toll of residents and non-residents who died in the state to 2,073. Another 74 residents and one non-resident in hospitals tested positive, raising the count of people sent to hospitals with the disease to 8,553.
On Monday, gyms were allowed to reopen and restaurants, retail, museums and libraries could raise their in-house capacity to 50%, up from 25% during the initial Phase One Gov. Ron DeSantis has since called a “Phase Point Five.”
Miami-Dade and Broward counties, the state’s two hardest-hit counties, also opened up Monday. Palm Beach County opened up the previous Monday.
In the last 24 hours, 206 people in Miami-Dade County tested positive, raising the overall COVID-19 caseload there to 15,864 people. Five people died since Sunday’s report, raising the county’s death toll to 575.
Broward County registered 79 new cases, raising its total to 6,322, and two people died, lifting the death toll there to 303. Palm Beach County now has 4,658 cases after DOH showed 134 new cases along with still 286 total fatalities.
Collier County became the ninth county to cross 1,000 COVID-19 cases, up 58 to 1,006. The other counties to cross that threshold are Orange with 1,679, Hillsborough with 1,653, Lee with 1,481, Duval with 1,300 and Pinellas with 1,051.
Sonja Fitch
May 18, 2020 at 2:58 pm
Omg. Is money really worth it? Now we have to worry about our children. If damn China can test 11 million people in 10 days why in the hell are we here in Florida not doing the damn testing? Because duffus Desantis and the goptrump cult are committing genocide !!! Vote these damn sobs out of office !!!!
Margaret Blustine
May 18, 2020 at 3:18 pm
Florida never met guidelines for reopening.new cases always too high at lowest 500 as de santis controls when where how many tests done daily so he can use trumps loophole he put in open phase rules.it’s called positivity rate and de santis says he uses it knows people don’t know what means.it means as trump intended that any state can take daily tests done then take percentage of positive to negatives.instead of stating true daily new positive cases.as dept of health does daily accurately usually double what de santis says. He’s still lying.800 plus cases still not declining.his using rigged phase trump formula for new cases is how he’s getting away with it fooling people to think is safe when isnt.total new cases on may 7 was 38828 and may 14 42394.showng in one week went up 3566 actual new cases.total daily new cases reported by fla dept of health shows true daily new cases accurately not de santis false.no declining no fedl guidelines met.no flattening no peak.Saturday was 877 new cases without 19 hotspots sites open as he closed them.with 19 sites would have been 1500 plus per normal daily new cases from those sites. May 1 was 1038.when he starting opening.fla always 800 at least accurately.that’s 24000 new cases every 4 weeks and it’s rising fast with opening that trumps rigged phase rules allow when very unsafe open.de santis does that deliberately.600000 tests with 20 million population not enough to know at all how many millions unknown infected and carriers now giving huge exposure to 20 million.no tracing enough as fedl guidelines say needed to open.april 15 DOH fla.showed 3249 hospitalizations.may 1 just before he reopened 6035.may 15 was 8140.a huge jump in 2 weeks hospitalizations of over 2000 due to phase 1 opening.those are true numbers by fladoh easily checked.de santis continues to manipulate cases numbers falsely and lies continuously is criminal and murderous.opening south florida with continuing large number new cases daily as he is is beyond belief as fla never had even 2 days of declining numbers.should be 14.
Hospitalizations are rapidly increasing.always were increasing now huge jumps.fla dept of health accurate daily new cases and hospitalizations show clearly the blatant lying by de santis.just like his late too loose order caused miami and all airport areas to become epicenters his using rigged false new daily cases numbers with trumps “positivity rate formula” in phase rules is rapidly causing all of fla to become worst epicenter in nation.worse than ny.fast.and ny did strict lockdown.de santis causing fla be worse as never really lockdown.fla worse than Italy track since beginning now surging past it out of control as virus spreading in huge true cases daily.de santis is falsifying case numbers consistently.fla never had low enough cases to open at all.never.this rigged to fool people.into positive rate formula trump put in phase open rules is satanic and he’s using de santis as fla is 7th state with highest cases out of 50 and was and is criminal negligence to open anything instead of strict enforced lockdown needed to save fla lives and economy.too many workers sicken die get disabled way too fast within 4 weeks ongoing thru 2021 as economy totally crashed.along with medical system and virus unable even now to be slowed as is fast be over 1200 to 2000 daily.was almost 900 Sunday with 19 sites not testing in hotspots because he closed them and still says with a straight face cases declining as true numbers and hospitalizations are surging just from phase 1.it’s murderous as he’s using trumps herd immunity experiment on fla.trump said in early March he wanted to do this doomed to fail experiment.he set up phase rules to do this.it’s obvious from his refusing to use fedl resources from the beginning when he could have controlled the virus just like south Korea china Germany etc.americas total cases and horrific deaths numbers are caused by trumps herd immunity experiment on America and is insane murder.his false promises of enough testing tracing supplies for months let his deadly experiment on americans reach the horrific numbers they are and increasing.other governments protected their people.trump didn’t wont.treasury and fedl reserve told him if he paid americans helped businesses stay ok that financially america would be ok.he said no.doesn’t want debt tied to his name preferred to infect million and half americans and kill over 90000.and cases and deaths increase horribly more with openings kill many mIllinois more.economy in America will crash by August for years with his insane implementation early on of herd immunity experiment.it was his job he had the resources.he put it off onto governors early March who had no resources like fema money etc etc to buy time til virus out of control for his doomed experiment.same time telling America virus was under control.the world reviled him in disbelief he deliberately doomed america.he fIred his own experts since January telling him to act.he didnt.he could have early Feb paid businesses and people easily to allow them to do strict lockdown until safe to open.he knew this.said no.other countries did it.de santis is corrupted by trumps continuing lies to the point now de santis is telling fla just thrown out false numbers when state cases deaths hospitalizations easily prove him a liar consistently.treasure coast had 4 casession he did phase 1 now treasure coast on daily increasing to abt 1000 already will be destroyed soon.de santis appears to have totally lost touch with reality.saying such obvious lies like declining flattened curve when america is saying no way.isntrue prisons like he uses.isn’t nursing homes.it’s all over fla regular people.one day he says not much prisons.next day huge cases he says oh is prisons.lies lies.he is doing exactly to florida what trump did and is doing to america.mass murder and economic total collapse as virus is winning worldwide and america is hugely by far worst in world as trump intended.BUT herd immunity would take 3 yrs meantime so many ongoing sick workers america will be dead by august and for decades.de santis says 22000 hospital beds hospitals only xx percent.de santis manipulated by adding rural out of the way counties can’t use the beds as fast happening now south florida east coast west coast orlando hospitals many many areas will be totally overwhelmed within 2 weeks as increases are 2000 1 week hospitalizations since phase 1.now he’s doing phase 2 and opening epiceneeds who still have hugenuf daily cases.
Other countries easily show what happens fast let virus run free.other countries also show it stopped it.trump de santis choose not to stop it.americas numbers are a disgrace and deliberately murderous as trump refused the help he easily could have old to stop virus in amedical in February even early march.he didn’t want to bother.he uses notions hunches instead of listening to his own experts.that’s an ego self centered mentality that has no empathy or good business sense.he was bankrupt so many times.a TV show saved him.he’s always been a bad businessman.he built many buildings in Atlantic city with his name in huge letters went bankrupt.he’s all about his ego sees nor çares about anyone but himself.what he could have easily done in Feb or even early March to stop virus he wouldn’t do.he still won’t help enough and sign bills to help americans even tho fedl reserve treasury says do it will be ok..they hAve a conscience. obviously his insanity chose to continue his murderous out of control experiment on americans.see what americas numbers are.see what numbers are countries cared abt their people.calif has 40 million people.fla has 20 million.fla number cases per capita double.is with de santis insanely doing trumps insanity a now happening catastrophe in fla.fla has more cases than 245 countrit’s and america has more virus cages and increasing than ALL other countries
combined.america was great before trump.now ruined it by not doing his job in february.instead he fired his experts.he telling him what would happen if he didn’t act.he would rather tweet all night all the time about himself as america dies.still doing it.Biden kept america safe from 2 possible pandemics.he çares about america and it’s people.trump has only ever cared about anyone but trump.as we die.pls let america understand trumps positivity rate formula in his phase rules that de santis uses to doom florida when it was deadly unsafe to open.instead only strict lockdown and fedl government full support financially to busin essence and people he easily could have done in Feb even early March before virus exploded over america.he knew.he was told in January February marich april may.still thinks americas money is his.acts like it instead of using americas money to save American lives and economy.who knew he says.he certainly knew in january.he on.he preferred to lazily and selfishly ignore it and lie saying no problem with virus.it will fast go away in summer.it’s under control.at same time killing virus was spreading fast across America out of control.a con artist a bad salesman a lazy liar a bad businessman.that’s our president.no experience in governing.no experience in personally caring about others.he for 3 yrs kept firing experts all fields then hid hiring inexperienced kids to run the govt Mt while he tweeted and played golf.he’s incredibly lazy didn’t do his job from day 1.he wants power to feed his ego but still continually refuses to use the power america gave him to save America and it’s people and it’s economy.his childish and ignorant ranuts for 3 yrs has alienated our needed allies made riChat people richer rest of americans poorer.tried take away Obamacare gave millions medical care for their familieshare who had none.trumps thinks americas resources and money are his.obviously as he wouldn’t use them months ago to stop virus disaster.that’s insane.he sits does nothing but tell lies false promises so he could do herd immunity hitler mentality experiment on American people.it was stupid doomed to fail was his hunch.his hunch destroyed america.his ego thinks his stupid hunches are better than the best experts.that’s a sociopath mentality as he kills america more every day still won’t help even tho fedl reserve treasury tells him to.insanely still thinking americas money and resources are his.that’s obvious what he nonactsays from still talking abt a wall while americans in a deadly pandemic.shows his mind is warped and he’s incapable of focus and leading and doing his job.Biden has governed well.Biden has beat 2 pandemic diseases.Biden like any smart manot knows to have best experts every field.trump thinks he’s only expert when he’s shown by what he did to america he has no brains no skills no caring and continues like a spoiled stupid child to fire everyone who is an expert and has put america on its doomed path of self destruction as every citizen sees is worse every day.de santis doing same thing.it’s out of control.trump and de santis have now put millions of infected and unknown carriers on path to travel internationally and very likely could cause planet destruction.to countries slowed it will reinfected fast.United nations needs to clearly see americas numbers it’s unsafe opening states it’s path to planet wide self destruction.this is unknown planet killing rapid spread highly contagious virus and trump de santis put it now on path to destroy planet.as it is america.how fast 4 million peoplesick.recovered have disabilities now children.people getting reinfected as it mutates strains.trump has to be stopped.de santis has to be stopped.won’t be enough people left to work with ongoing for yrs virus sickened.plant after plants business after business closing already.trump is stupid senile ego driven and can kill the planet with his unleashing millions to expose and kill now.he can’t see past the moment of his own scattered lying words.he’s a con man always was.and conned and corrupted de santis.it’s evil it’s destroying america.it didn’t have to happen.dr faucI stated it was avoidable is avoidable.trump doesn’t care.only about himself.and that ego consumed mind he has mixed with his stupid of notions and hunches has destroyed and murdered america.he’s still not okg help more needed than ever.he’s full of his own sense of power without having a brain.God help america.trump singlehandedly destroyed a nation of 325 million.compared to Hitler he’s 1000 hitlers.
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