The Trumpiest Congressman of them all, U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, gave the base what it wanted in Ocala.
There to see a Donald Trump rally, the crowd got to see the self-proclaimed “Florida Man” deliver a series of lacerating hits on the news of the day.
And indeed, the news abounds.
From the disclosures driven by the data dump from the purloined hard drive of Hunter Biden to the hastily reversed decisions of Twitter and Facebook to kill dissemination of the story, Gaetz had plenty of material for this crowd.
Gaetz, noting that he was in “horse country,” said Biden needed to be “put out to pasture,” while President Trump was a “thoroughbred” by comparison.
From that folksy quip, he soon enough turned his critique to what he perceived to be corruption from the Biden “crime family.”
“The Bidens are kind of used to getting stuff they don’t deserve,” Gaetz said to a chorus of boos.
“Payoffs from Moscow, payoffs from China, from Ukraine,” Gaetz continued. “The Bidens have done stuff that would even make the Clinton Foundation blush.”
Biden, said Gaetz, “would never take on the corrupt status quo because Joe Biden’s family has benefited from the corrupt status quo.”
For Gaetz, the issues with the Democratic ticket are reminiscent of 2016 and Hillary Clinton, and some of his remarks bore a retro tinge.
Clinton and the Democratic National Committee “went and paid money to Russian spies to tell lies about the President, and now we’ve got the notes from people in the Obama administration that the whole deal was a distraction from her emails and probably what was going on at the Clinton Foundation.”
The Biden blast was the highlight of the remarks, which included a critique of the sitting Speaker of the House.
The Congressman called himself “Nancy Pelosi‘s worst nightmare in Congress,” adding that she would rather “bail out the bad decisions in New York and California” and “give stimulus checks to illegal aliens” than accept the President’s stimulus proposal.
October 16, 2020 at 3:55 pm
Gaetz is becoming as irrelevant as trump.
October 16, 2020 at 4:23 pm
Gaetz is a severely developmentally-damaged creepazoid like Trump and, like Trump, is a true POS.
Granted, Hunter Biden has probably been a severe disappointment to his Father – maybe as much as Don, Jr., Eric, and Matt are to theirs. But, in Biden’s case, he was very severely injured in a car crash in which his Mother and Sister were killed – and PTSD and continuing paid from the injuries can become a lifelong battle.
In the end, Gaetz and the Trumps are just black pots criticizing a black kettle for being black!
Gaetz needs counseling and clinical treatment.
Sonja Fitch
October 16, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Omg full death goptrump cult bsers! It is so pathetic all I can do is laugh at these big boy white men! They be getting high on adrenaline and hate and lies! As if the goptrump cult leader Trump even knows their names or even gives a shit about them! Brainwashed and braindead! Willing using and abusing our children for community spreading of herd immunity! Vote Democrat up and down ballot for the common good!
Barbara Adams
October 16, 2020 at 9:39 pm
The facts are right there on the hard drive. Most pols are corrupt but using your crack addict son as a global bag man puts grandpa Biden beyond even the Clinton crime family.
Palmer Tom
October 17, 2020 at 12:35 pm
We’ll see how the rumored charges of insurance fraud, money laundering and tax evasion by Trump come out in New York and maybe elsewhere.
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