The Legislature missed out on a crucial economic development opportunity this session: the chance to attract new businesses and grow existing ones — all of which employ highly skilled and high-wage workers.
I am talking about a proposal sponsored by Sen. Nancy Detert that would have extended the life of the successful Entertainment Industry Financial Incentive Program. The program would have helped to attract new projects — like “Burn Notice” and exciting new video game development — to the state. Unfortunately, without these incentives, our state is at risk of losing out to other states eager to host these types of projects.
— The program provides a $5.60 to $1 return on investment to the state.
— It has made a $4.1 billion positive economic impact on Florida’s GDP over the lifetime of the program.
— Almost 20 percent of all visitors to the state say they saw a movie or television series filmed in Florida and that contributed to their decision to travel here.
And, while we are deeply disappointed that the program was not funded this session, we are reassured that the voice of the entertainment industry was heard and that the conversations about the economic benefits of our industry to Florida have just begun.
In fact, senators publicly said they would work on the program during the next legislative session.
Starting now, Film Florida, along with its partners in film, television and digital media, is rededicating itself to educating our state’s policymakers on the positive economic impacts the entertainment industry provides. We will bring our message from the Panhandle to Key West and remind the public, the media and our state’s lawmakers that for every $1 the state invests in the entertainment industry, $5.60 is infused back into the economy.
On behalf of Film Florida, I truly believe that the entertainment industry can be a cornerstone of Florida’s economy, and I encourage every Floridian to learn more about the economic benefits the entertainment industry provides and spread the word.
Florida is rich in the assets that the film, TV and digital media industries need to thrive. In addition to natural resources such as our sunshine, beaches and lush landscapes, we have talented and experienced citizens ready to work. With the support of the Governor and our legislators, the Entertainment Industry Financial Incentive Program can make Florida a top competitor for jobs in the entertainment sector.
Leah Sokolowsky is the president of Film Florida. Column courtesy of Context Florida.