Democratic congressional candidate Alan Cohn is launching a series of digital ads on abortion access. The banner ads critique Republican opponent Laurel Lee for supporting Florida’s 15-week abortion ban.
“The extreme position that Republicans like Laurel Lee are taking on abortion represents not just a massive overreach of government, but also a clear and present danger to our freedoms and to the health and well-being of millions of American women,” Cohn said.
“My position is clear: I will not support a government takeover of women’s reproductive rights, because health care decisions should be made by patients and doctors, not politicians and bureaucrats. Laurel Lee’s willingness to go along with the radical fringe of the Republican Party on this issue is evidence that she does not respect the constitutional rights of Floridians and that she is unfit to serve in Congress.”
Cohn leaned in on the issue after Buzzfeed News published a story, provided through Planned Parenthood, of a middle schooler in Florida impregnated through incest who had to travel two or three states away to obtain an abortion.
“Laurel Lee will take away your medical freedom” reads one ad, alongside a picture of a woman rubbing her temples in distress.
“Laurel Lee wants to make abortion a crime … even for rape victims” reads another showing a young woman behind bars.
“Laurel Lee wants to put doctors in jail,” argues another ad, this one showing a person in scrubs with their hands cuffed behind their back.
Lee, for her part, told WFLA during an extensive interview during the Republican Primary campaign that she supported abortion restrictions but with exceptions for rape and incest. But she also reiterated she supported a 15-week ban in Florida with no such exceptions.
“The most appropriate place for any sort of analysis or decision-making about abortion, and about many things, is in the state Legislatures, where the people have access and the ability to go and petition their members and representatives and have that conversation,” Lee said.
Lee’s campaign reaffirmed that support to WFLA this week. “Florida already has a 15-week limitation, and Secretary Lee was very clear in her support of that as well,” Lee spokesperson Sarah Bascom told the station.
The support for the law prompted Cohn to lean in heavily on the issue, with his campaign calling Lee “so out of touch” on the critical issue that she “supports criminal penalties for doctors providing women with medical care or victims of rape or incest seeking abortions.”
The ads will target voters in Florida’s 15th Congressional District starting this weekend. They will appear on screens a day after Cohn released a statement slamming Lee’s position as extreme.
“It’s hard to believe that anyone could be so cruel, heartless and inhuman that they would want to deny necessary medical care to young girls who are victims of incest, but that’s exactly where Laurel Lee stands,” Cohn said.
“Extreme politicians like Laurel Lee want Washington bureaucrats in charge of women’s lives, and that’s why Democrats, Republicans, independents and anyone who doesn’t believe in a government takeover of health care needs to stop it this November by voting for candidates who believe in medical freedom. Laurel Lee needs to come out publicly and explain how she can sleep at night knowing the ordeal that these young girls went through thanks to the terrible law that she supports.”

October 14, 2022 at 4:01 pm
If Americans want women to control their own bodies, qualified teachers to replace DeSantis’s culture wars in classrooms, intelligent teacher-student conversations concerning the social issues facing Americans in the 21st century, non-bullying discussion about classroom students who are different, common sense gun regulations, and a new honest approach on how best to address climate change……
Anthony Ruehle
October 14, 2022 at 7:35 pm
I would Love to know why Alan Cohn believe you should be able to kill something living, That has had a heartbeat longer than ot has not had one. Also if it is a women’s choice why is it so and not up to both who made the baby? When he says her body her choice he needs to explain why then prostitution is illegal, after all it is her body. Also I would love for anyone to explain if you go by her body her choice as they do, then why can people not sell their body parts. It is illegal throughout the US to sell your body parts such as kidney or liver or lung. But you can give it away. I say if its goes by her body her choice people should be able to sell body parts. People could sell a liver or lung for $50000 or $100000 and this would feed and put a roof over their head for a year. PROVE ME WRONG
Remember that
October 15, 2022 at 5:01 am
Prostitution is only illegal if you get caught doing it lol
October 15, 2022 at 3:35 pm
“PROVE ME WRONG”: You don’t need any help with that, Anthony. It’s not “up to both” because it is the woman’s body. It doesn’t belong to you, (but it is thoughtful of you to wear your MAGA hat to warn women that you think it does.) TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND PUT ON A CONDOM OR GET A VASECTOMY. OR CHOOSE TO ABSTAIN FROM RECKLESS BEHAVIOR. YOU KNOW THE RISKS.
Prostitution being illegal in most of the US doesn’t have any greater relationship to a woman’s abortion rights than it does to a man’s right to choose to have his broken leg repaired. Selling body parts has nothing more to do with a raped child’s right to abortion healthcare than it has to do with an anti-abortionist’s right to receive a donated kidney. PRO-FORCED-BIRTH CULT NONSENSE. FAKE MORALS & NO DECENCY
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