- Amanda Prater
- Andrew Palmer
- Arlene DiBenigno
- Bill McCollum
- Bret Prater
- Brett Cypers
- Carolin Timmann
- Carrie Patrick
- Charles Bronson
- Charlie Crist
- Dan Olson
- Dane Eagle
- David Mica
- Diane Moulton Adams
- Eileen Stuart
- Greg Ungru
- Hannak Sumner Causseaux
- James McFaddin
- Jason Gonzales
- Jeff Atwater
- Jim Kallinger
- Jim Rimes
- Ken Granger
- Ken Pruitt
- Kirk Pepper
- Maryann Smith
- Michael Sole
- Michaelle Dennard
- Mike Hanna
- Mitchell Wertheimer
- Pablo Diaz
- Ron DeSantis
- Scott Ross
- Stephanie Kopelousos
- Torey Alston
- Townson Fraser
- Vivian Myrtetus

Colleagues and staffers for Charlie Crist from his time as a Republican Governor are collectively encouraging voters to vote against Crist this cycle.
A collection of Republic figures are signing an open letter unanimously endorsing Gov. Ron DeSantis for re-election. Officials on the letter include Crist’s former Chief of Staff, George LeMieux, who Crist appointed to the U.S. Senate. Also on the list is Jeff Kottcamp, Crist’s former Lieutenant Governor and now a Tallahassee lobbyist.
“Together, we have known Charlie in virtually all phases of his career and public life,” the letter reads. “We are well-qualified to endorse in the Florida Governor’s race because we have significant experience in public service to the state of Florida. The choice this November could not be more clear: we unanimously endorse Governor Ron DeSantis for re-election.”
In total, 36 individuals signed the message to voters.
Former Attorney General Bill McCollum and former Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson, both members of the Florida Cabinet during Crist’s term as Governor, signed on to the letter. So did Ken Pruitt and Jeff Atwater, former lawmakers who served as Senate President during Crist’s term as Governor.
Crist won election as a Republican in 2006 but did not seek re-election, choosing instead to run for Senate in 2010, ultimately losing to Marco Rubio. Amid the Senate run, Crist left the Republican Party and ran as an independent. He later became a Democrat, running unsuccessfully for Governor in 2014 but then winning election to Congress in 2016.
Some of those on the letter worked under Crist but now work within DeSantis’ administration, including Stephanie Kopelousos, DeSantis’ legislative director, and Dane Eagle, DeSantis’ Secretary of Economic Opportunity. Kopelousos served as Transportation Secretary under Crist, and Eagle served as Crist’s Deputy Chief of Staff.
Jason Gonzales, Crist’s chief counsel, also signed the letter. Gonzales has been widely credited with helping Crist shape the Florida Supreme Court with appointments.
Other co-signatories include: Diane Moulton Adams, Torey Alston, Hannak Sumner Causseaux, Brett Cypers, Michaelle Dennard, Pablo Diaz, Arlene DiBenigno, Townson Fraser, Ken Granger, Mike Hanna, Jim Kallinger, James McFaddin, David Mica Jr., Vivian Myrtetus, Dan Olson, Andrew Palmer, Carrie Patrick, Kirk Pepper, Amanda Prater, Bret Prater, Jim Rimes, Scott Ross, Maryann Smith, Michael Sole, Eileen Stuart, Carolin Timmann, Greg Ungru and Mitchell Wertheimer.
Impeach Biden
October 25, 2022 at 11:22 am
What say you fake Charlie Crist? The Tsunami is coming and your meltdown will be epic. I have my popcorn ready.🤣
October 25, 2022 at 11:37 am
Isn’t a Tsunami a destructive force like the storm surge that devastated the Fort Myers area recently. Will a Ron’s Tsunamis win destroy Florida?
October 25, 2022 at 11:52 am
Really hurts when your ex running mate Kottcamp, and your hand picked appointed Sen Lemieux, endorse your opponent. I only wish team DeSantis had released it late Sunday or early Monday.
Oh well, still smacks hard.
Good going, chameleon ( Gov used my recommendation ) is a hypocrite.
Well done!
Joe Corsin
October 25, 2022 at 11:58 am
Red Tsunami or Tropical 2 swirling tornadocane? Both complete stupidity. Speaking of “smacks hard”…you gonna get a smack hard at the bar.
October 25, 2022 at 12:07 pm
Joey, Facts, truth hard to accept!
Crisp chameleon is a laughingstock old donkey!
Hispanics abandon Dums.
Miami- Dade going FGOP.
Avalanche, Hurricane, and Tornado soaking you, chameleon, Dumings, and Dems.
LMAO, enjoy the smack down.
October 25, 2022 at 4:03 pm
Gee, this must be a first,. Republicans supporting Republican.
October 25, 2022 at 4:44 pm
Gee, Republicans endorsing another Republican. Must be a first.
October 25, 2022 at 11:56 am
All you 5% haters, Frankie, Morton, Palmer, ocean, wanda, Haney, peter h, corsin, Elliot and others will be on Xanax with depression.
We are looking at ex Gov Graham re-elect blow out!
As schumer said, chameleon has unleashed the whirl wind! Enjoy!
Joe Corsin
October 25, 2022 at 1:48 pm
Tropical 2 ocean whirlwind?
Charlie Crist
October 25, 2022 at 12:23 pm
If I lose so what. I roasted mini Hitler’s balls in front of millions. Highlighted his most shameful political stunts and far right propaganda. A Democrat will make quick work of him if he runs for president. Just too much material to roast him with.
October 25, 2022 at 12:46 pm
Your location has been ping-pointed to a federal prison psych ward. They are coming for your contraband cell phone and that will be the end of you. Enjoy your additional sentence in solitary!
Charlie Crist
October 25, 2022 at 1:07 pm
👆Says a pro Trump crime spree sociopath and debunked liar on this website..
October 25, 2022 at 5:18 pm
You roasted no one.
You accomplished nothing.
You know nothing.
You made a donkey of self, LMAO.
You are getting ass kicked.
Enjoy it loser.
Concern Citizen
October 25, 2022 at 12:32 pm
How many of these people are registered Republicans?
David In Shoreline
October 25, 2022 at 12:39 pm
Boy, there sure are a lot of folks trying to put as much distance between themselves and Crist as possible. Ain’t nobody wants to be close to that sinking ship when it finally goes down.
Paul Passarelli
October 25, 2022 at 4:51 pm
36-0 That sounds like a football score!
So looking forward to the Red tsunami in just two more weeks.
Ed Freeman
October 26, 2022 at 6:14 am
These people are typical of those who dominate the Republican Party, especially in Florida, these days. They consistently put their Party above their country, their state, their fellow citizens, and the common good. This anti-Americanism pushed Mr. Crist from the Republican Party. Their endorsement is no surprise. Hopefully, the majority of Floridians still want a strong and prosperous America and Florida, rather than simply a powerful Republican Party, and will send Gov DiSaster to the dust bin of history.
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