Florida’s Governor is taking a states’ rights stance in his ongoing war against “woke.”
During an interview with Russell Brand, Ron DeSantis was asked by the British comedian and commentator if he believed states had a right to “liberal values.” The 2024 presidential candidate acknowledged the Constitution allows just that.
“Actually, I don’t even think it’s a question of granting. I think our Constitution … was created by the states, the states created the Constitution, they retained the bulk of the power and they’re allowed to use that power to do what their constituents want,” DeSantis said.
That even applies to the liberal bastion of California, DeSantis added.
“As much as I kind of look to see some of the stuff that may go on in California and shake my head, clearly, they’re going to have a right to pursue some of the things like, for example, how they handle their energy situation. I think it’s a mistake,” DeSantis said. “You have rolling blackouts, you have all these problems. I think they’re putting ideology ahead of sound science.”
Nevertheless, DeSantis said if voters in those states are upset, they can vote out liberal leaders, or vote with their feet.
“If people don’t like that, they can vote in a new government, they can vote them out of office. So that’s just the nature of a federalist system. We understand that there’s 50 different states. We say it’s a laboratory of democracy,” DeSantis said. “I would point out though, that the people are leaving those ‘woke’ states and they’re migrating to states like Florida who are doing it differently.”
DeSantis noted that Florida, Texas and Tennessee are among those states that “have rejected the woke agenda and that are focusing on what I would say are just commonsense principles, but certainly things like safe streets, quality education.”
M. Mouse
July 21, 2023 at 12:45 pm
Our little man stood up for the Constitution of the United States! That’s so cute!
July 22, 2023 at 2:37 pm
Look on the mirror.
July 21, 2023 at 12:55 pm
So DeSantis believes he and he alone is the authority on personal choice, personal responsibility and personal freedom!
Does his mantra sound familiar?
July 21, 2023 at 1:16 pm
Ah – more shouting about states rights. I love this bullshit. All the while he and his toads push bills to undermine local governance.
F*cking Hypocrit
July 21, 2023 at 2:38 pm
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Veteran nGrammy
July 21, 2023 at 8:26 pm
DeSantis is an idiot – no matter HOW educated he is.
Alejandro Rojas
July 21, 2023 at 10:17 pm
DeSantis’ “woke” Insurance Payoffs:
DeSantis’ is a prime purveyor of “Wokeism.” His perverted disingenous distraction of “wokeism” exploits Florida citizens, helps devour a sustainable marketplace, creates obscene inequalities in income and wealth, poisons the well of democracy, incites resentments, anger, fear, and destroys affordability, and social stability. Under DeSantis’s watch, home insurance premiums have risen from $1,988 to $4,231 on average, putting Floridians under financial strain to pay for insurance that sits at nearly three times the national average. And this year, home insurance premiums are expected to increase another 40 percent And, talk about “Wokeism,” the governor is certainly an expert as he and his PAC stuffed their pickets with $3.9 million dollars from the insurance industry since 2018. These increases come as DeSantis has rubber-stamped policies accelerating insurance company profits and bailing out insurers at direct cost to homeowners and Florida taxpayers. The governor is far too “woke.” He needs to do something about the insurance crises and stop cultural war targeting, trolling about “drag queens” and banning books, while gerrymandering and suppressing voting.
July 22, 2023 at 2:36 pm
You are unkind. And wrong.
July 24, 2023 at 11:46 pm
“I think they’re putting ideology ahead of sound science.” – Uh, this is DeSantis accusing others of doing exactly what he is doing. And since he knows this, that means he thinks we’re stupid.
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