Gov. Ron DeSantis said that flights bringing Floridians back from Israel could begin as early as the end of the Sabbath Saturday at sundown.
“We hope to have liftoff very soon,” the Governor said.
The Governor, who issued an executive order authorizing “logistical, rescue and evacuation operations” via the state’s Department of Emergency Management, was clear in his intent for at least some of the estimated 20,000 Floridians in Israel to have evacuation options this weekend.
“We wanted to get a flight lifted off prior to Shabbat,” DeSantis said Friday morning. “We didn’t do it, but we also know there are people there from Florida who are not Jewish at all who don’t observe the Sabbath. And so if we’re able to do something over the next, you know, 24 hours while they’re in Sabbath, we can take some of those people who are willing to travel.”
“But we definitely think sundown on Saturday night, we anticipate seeing a lot more,” DeSantis added on Fox News’ “The Faulkner Focus.”
“So if the planes are ready by then, you’re going to see a lot of people be able to be brought back hopefully relatively quickly.”
Logistical issues abound, DeSantis noted, including plane clearance for Ben Gurion Airport.
“Israel may limit the size of the planes that can go into Ben Gurion Airport. So you may have to do a short flight out of the country and then get people on the bigger plane,” DeSantis explained.
The Governor described some of the operational complexities of the mission, though they are alleviated by deep personal connections between Israel and the Sunshine State.
“There’s so many connections. I mean, family members, friends, people are plugged into who’s over there,” DeSantis said, promising that there’s “communication ongoing.”

October 13, 2023 at 1:17 pm
All just showboating. The US already sending planes. So this douche decided to waste Florida money and get in the way.
Unwoke and Going Broke In Florida
October 13, 2023 at 1:50 pm
Same guy that encouraged the I-10 sign cunts and the Disney anti Semitic demonstration cunt.
Bunch o’ cunts.
James Dean
October 14, 2023 at 4:44 am
I am in Israel, the state department said they would allow me and my wife to board a cruise ship and drop us off at Cyprus. What do we do after we get dropped in Cyprus?? The port is 4 hours away, we will be given 8 hours notice of departure, and we need to sign a promissory note that we will pay the government back for the rescue within 30 days plus interest. The amount of the loan is undisclosed and will be determined by the government after the fact. I would much rather have my Florida tax dollars get me home faster and safer.
Earl Pitts American
October 14, 2023 at 9:15 am
To all Democrat past voting American Tribe members:
The tribe members are basically now all aware that their lifetime of leftist American politician support is the direct result of the Hamas invasion, baby butchering, ect…ect…ect…
While its good y’all now realize the error of your political sheeple voting ways and finally accept the burdon that everyone will be mad at you for eternity … thats not the subject of my, The Earl’s all critical public service announcement.
Those mental health professionals nation-wide that let your dum @55 lay on a couch and talk you off the cliff of being even more stupid – are booking up fast. So if you are one of the guilty USA Tribe members just realizing what your lifetime liberal votes did to the other 11 Tribes … get in line with your mental health professionals ASAP.
Earl Pitts “The Earl Of Politics” American
Rick G
October 14, 2023 at 9:31 am
Actually, you are the “douche” as DeSantis is not waiting for the inept Biden who has left Americans all over the world. It’s called leadership.
Earl Pitts American
October 13, 2023 at 1:22 pm
Good afternoon America
Heres what to understand about the possable co-mingeling of Isreal’s Jews and the USA Jews.
The Jewish population of the USA does not like the Mid-Eastern Jews from Isreal.
Its a (Usa Jews) Dook 4 Brains Leftist voting block vs. a Conservative (Isreal Jews) voting block situation.
Jews of The USA have always opposed Mid-Eastern Jews security with their nearly 100% voting for Jew Hateing Dook 4 Brains Leftist Politicians.
I am working with The Ronald on security concerns to protect all our Isreal evacuee Jews from the Anti-Semitism routenly practiced as proven by the exclusively Democratic voting USA Jews.
It could get ugly America if people ignore the USA Jews Anti-Semite voting history and try to get these 2 [diametrically opposed to each other groups] to live together and/or go to Tempel together.
Trust me America when I say USA Jews and Isreal Jews have nothing in common and are enemies of one another.
They will not live together in peace and harmony. We must set up “seperate but equal” living and working areas for the 2 diametrically opposed groups. Likely seperate restrooms, water fountians, schools, neighborhoods, Churches, marriage laws, ect…ect….ect….if only our Great Nation had some sort of a reference point to begin setting up these seperate but equal systems.
Thank you America,
Unwoke and Going Broke In Florida
October 13, 2023 at 1:51 pm
You dumb filthy cunt
Earl Pitts American
October 13, 2023 at 3:14 pm
Thank you my Lefty Friend “UnWoke,
When name calling is all the Dook 4 Brains Left has got it totally justifies the “Pure “D” Truth” of my, “The Earl’s” knowledge drop of Great Wisdom on a hungry for leadership world.
It’s so great to know “The Earl” is on the side of Truth, Justice, and The Earl Pitts American Way.
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