Donald Trump isn’t known for fostering deep connections with the Black community.
From his earliest days as a New York real estate developer, Trump has faced accusations of racist business practices. He spent years spreading the lie that Barack Obama, America’s first Black president, was ineligible to hold office. When he was president, Trump derided “shithole countries” in Africa and said four congresswomen of color should go back to the “broken and crime-infested” countries they came from, ignoring the fact that all of the women are American citizens and three were born in the U.S.
But as he seeks the presidency for a third time, Trump is aiming to win over an unlikely constituency: Black voters.
“Have you seen our poll numbers with African Americans and with Hispanic Americans? But I’m not that surprised because I see it, I feel it,” Trump declared during a rally in Atkinson, New Hampshire, days before the state’s primary. “We did great in 2016, we did much better in 2020 but there is much more enthusiasm now.
For President Joe Biden, the biggest risk isn’t a dramatic move among Black voters toward Trump. It’s that such voters — frustrated by a range of issues, including the lack of progress emerging from the 2020 racial justice movement — simply don’t show up at all. In some of the most narrowly divided states that could decide next year’s election, including Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan, even minor shifts in turnout could sway the results.
Nationally, only 50% of Black adults said they approve of Biden in a December AP-NORC poll, down from 86% in July 2021. That shift represents a larger drop than among adults overall and white adults in particular. At the same time, however, only 25% of Black adults said they have a favorable view of Trump.
Trump’s campaign advisers insist they’re aiming to jump on such shifts to spur a political realignment that would upend the Democratic Party’s decades-long advantage with Black voters.
“We are creating a massive problem for the Democratic Party’s base that … could be altering for a generation,” said Chris LaCivita, a senior adviser on the Trump campaign. “That’s just an opportunity that we would be remiss if we didn’t exploit.”
Cornell Belcher, a Democratic pollster, noted that Obama faced similar challenges with young voters and voters of color during his 2012 reelection campaign when many in the Democrats’ base were frustrated by his perceived slow pace of progress on key goals.
“I’m not surprised that Joe Biden right now starts off underperforming among young voters and voters of color. I’d be surprised if he didn’t. But that’s what campaigns are for,” Belcher said. “I’m not panicked that he is down 15 points from where he should be with these voters. Because I’ve seen this play before. I’ve seen it with Barack Obama.”
Trump hardly moderates his rhetoric on race as he quickly becomes the dominant presidential front-runner of GOP. Just this month, he mocked Republican rival Nikki Haley’s birth name, and repeatedly referred to the American-born daughter of immigrants from India as “Nimbra.” The episode had strong overtones of his earlier efforts to rely on racist tropes to question Obama’s citizenship and eligibility to serve as president.
Trump often highlights endorsements from Black celebrities, including the rappers Kanye West and Lil Wayne, as evidence of his appeal to the Black community. He recently touted the endorsement of a Black Rhode Island racial justice advocate as an endorsement from Black Lives Matter, a move the Black Lives Matter Grassroots organization denounced.
But as he prepares for a rematch against Biden, Trump is stepping up his efforts to present a more diverse group of supporters than during his years in the White House, when he presided over a nearly all-white Cabinet. When he won the New Hampshire primary this week, Sen. Tim Scott, the chamber’s only Black Republican, stood prominently behind him. Scott, who once challenged Trump for the GOP nomination, has emerged as one of his most prominent surrogates and speaks often about his record on race.
As Trump closes in on the Republican nomination, his vice presidential pick could be a key opportunity to try to expand his appeal beyond the party’s overwhelmingly white base. Scott is among those who are frequently mentioned as a potential running mate for Trump.
Biden and his fellow Democrats aren’t ceding Black voters to Trump. The president kicked off his reelection bid earlier this month at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, where in 2015 nine Black parishioners were shot to death by the white stranger they had invited to join their Bible study.
Republished with permission of The Associated Press.
Impeach Biden
January 28, 2024 at 12:10 pm
Immigration is going to be huuuuuuuuuge. Just imagine the commercials showing floods of illegals entering this country. People of all colors are not happy with the lack of border control by “Let ‘em in Joe”.
Impeach Biden
January 28, 2024 at 12:32 pm
Now we have yet another attack on our service members. This time in Jordan. The bad people around the world do not fear Joe Biden. Another reason people of all colors should look for another person to lead this country. Memories of Trump dropping that MOAB very early in his term. That sent a strong message to the terrorists.Biden is the goofball that took the Houthi’s off the list. They are back on now. Dumbazz
Hung Wiil
January 28, 2024 at 2:57 pm
Every person is a person of color. There are no people who do not have a color, even though Britannica says that white and black are both the absence of color. I agree that a president, any president, should call any place a vulgar name country, but Omar et al were told to return to Somalia because of their overt and ideological criticism of America. Mr. T’s point is that if the USA is so bad, go back to whence ye came and see how long until you come back crawling with your tail in tow.
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" Ameriecan
January 28, 2024 at 4:16 pm
Good evening America,
Its a reprint of an AP article so you know its loaded with lies, damn lies, and statistics * that are lies*.
Anyway what was inappropriatly left out by the AP in the above “Opinion Influencing” artical was “THIS LITTLE ….. ALMOST INSEGNIFICANT FACTOID”.
The interviews to obtain the Black Voting Polling Answers were all conducted in an Extended Black Family Group. What this means, America, is that when answering the polling questions FOUR AND SOMETIMES FIVE generations of the Beloved Black Family were all there, Present and Accounted for in The Same living room at Granny’s house. Now, as we know, most Black Grannys and Great Grands dont keep up with the news, or Politics, and dont use the Internet.
Every other family member in attendance knows their GRANDS AND GREAT GRANDS still are convinced 100% that “If You Dont Vote Democrat you are “Not Black Enough”.
Had Anyone in the younger generations chimed in foolishly that they were voting Republican this time both the Grands and the Great Grands would have grabbed them painfully by The Ear, marched them outside, made them fetch a switch from the bushes out back and wailed on their “Back-Sides” with that switch until they were crying “Real Tears” and most importantly until they All promised to vote Democrat.
That is why the polling is faulty.
America, I, Earl Pitts American, have adjusted the polling to take into account the “Grannys Gonna Wail On My @ss” factor into account.
Only 13% of Blacks are “REALLY” voting Democrat.
AND THIS “REAL CLEAR FACT” Portends the Death of the Democratic Party both National and Local for a minimum of The Next 12 years.
You are welcome America,
Earl Pitts “Earl Knows Black America” American
Chevron Jones
January 28, 2024 at 4:49 pm
Dang Earl I always suspected you are a “Brother” now I know. A non-black would never be privy to the inner workings of the Black Familys in the USA. Honestly I am concerned the Democtatic Plantation will take much longer than 12 years for a comeback after what they have done to us.
We dont have to like trump to line up behind him this time. CJ
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