Florida citrus growers ‘optimistic’ as new farm bill continues taking shape

'Florida citrus growers commend the hard work of the committee to craft this critical legislation for Florida citrus.'

Florida Citrus Mutual, the state’s largest citrus grower organization, is praising House lawmakers as they continue forming this year’s farm bill.

The organization released a statement following a markup meeting in the House Agriculture Committee. Florida citrus farmers have faced hurdles in recent years, but Florida Citrus Mutual Executive Vice President and CEO Matt Joyner released a statement praising the work that House lawmakers are doing on the bill.

“Following the 2024 Farm Bill markup in the House Committee on Agriculture, Florida Citrus Mutual remains optimistic as the bill progressing to the House chamber prioritizes the domestic citrus industry,” Joyner said.

“Key legislative priorities and investments include the essential research needed to find solutions to overcome Huanglongbing (HLB or citrus greening). Notable among these is a $25 million appropriation annually for five years through the Emergency Citrus Disease Research and Development Trust.”

U.S. Reps. Kat Cammack and Darren Soto have been key figures working on the legislation as it moves forward. Joyner’s statement also offered praise for the Florida duo, as well as Committee Chair G.T. Thompson.

“Florida citrus growers commend the hard work of the committee to craft this critical legislation for Florida citrus and other agricultural producers across the nation,” Joyner said. “With continued investments in research and treatments, I truly believe we can pave the way to a brighter future for Florida’s citrus industry.”

The House and Senate bills still contain some disagreements, such as on the level of funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

But Cammack said the House version is superior and has several big wins for the state’s farming community.

“Florida is home to 300-plus specialty crops. People typically think of the big ones, like citrus and sugar cane, but add to the list fruits and vegetables, dairy and livestock, and Florida is one of the nation’s leading agricultural states and we’re damn proud of it, too,” Cammack said.

“This bill is a win for Florida’s producers and I’m grateful to my colleagues and Chair Thompson for listening to Florida producers and our priorities in producing a bill reflective of the necessary changes to keep up with the changing landscape of Florida agriculture.”

Ryan Nicol

Ryan Nicol covers news out of South Florida for Florida Politics. Ryan is a native Floridian who attended undergrad at Nova Southeastern University before moving on to law school at Florida State. After graduating with a law degree he moved into the news industry, working in TV News as a writer and producer, along with some freelance writing work. If you'd like to contact him, send an email to [email protected].


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