Days after an attempt on Donald Trump’s life, U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna said the Republican nominee knows the cost of service.
“President Trump knows what it means to put your life on the line,” the St. Petersburg Republican said. “Our service members and their families make immense sacrifices, and they deserve a president who respects that sacrifice and who would lay down his own life in defense of this great nation.”
A freshman Congresswoman in a competitive re-election fight, Luna enjoyed a prime-time speaking slot Wednesday at the Republican National Convention. There, she recounted the sacrifices her own family made through military service.
That included recalling a time her husband, Andy Gamberzky, was injured in the line of duty.
“My husband was shot in combat by terrorists and continues to deploy in the fight against America’s enemies. I know the fear and anguish of waiting for news about a loved one in harm’s way, and the pain of losing friends in combat,” said Luna, who served six years in the Air Force.
She was also among Republicans who voted against funding further foreign aid to Ukraine during its war with Russia.
Luna preached Trump’s “America First” foreign policy, notably taking a stance different from many neoconservatives in her own party. In her speech, she took swipes against the “hawks and globalist elites” rushing for intervention in conflicts around the globe,
The Congresswoman suggested Trump’s foreign policy agenda prioritizes the lives of U.S. service members.
“Our service members and their families make immense sacrifices, and they deserve a president who respects that sacrifice and who would lay down his own life in defense of this great nation,” she said.
In contrast, she said the world has become more dangerous under Democratic President Joe Biden.
“We preserve peace by commanding the world’s respect, a respect that is earned through unparalleled military strength and firm, decisive leadership,” Luna said.
“Over the past four years, the Biden administration has failed to uphold this standard. They have misused our resources in foreign wars contrary to our national interests, and they have eroded the lethality and fighting culture of our armed forces. The leadership that we need that respects our military and understands the true cost of war is only found in Donald Trump.”
Elvis [FKA Earl] Pitts American
July 18, 2024 at 7:00 am
Good Morn ‘Ting Florida,
For any of you that know anything whatsoever about the Tampa/St. Petersburg area of our Great State of Florida you already know Republicans, like the increadably hot MlLF, Anna are as rare as hen’s teath.
Anna, I, Elvis Pitts American, salute you.
Thank you for the time you wisely invested by purusing my Sage words of Wisdom Citizens,
Elvis Pitts American
Dont Say FLA
July 18, 2024 at 7:06 am
Pops what was the strategery in the GOP dolling her down and making her look like an escapee from the old folks home for the convention? She look awful, and she NEVER look awful. It’s creepin’ out.
Elvis [FKA Earl] Pitts American
July 18, 2024 at 8:29 am
Good morning my beloved Daughter,
Only a sharp eye and genius mind as yours would have caught that about Anna.
While I did not agree, we were having The President’s GrandDaughter scheduled to speak and some of the ladies overseeing the RNC production took it upon themselves to ask Anna to tone down her extream natural Hottness so as to not outshine the ladies in The President’s family.
While I was not onboard with that decision we had more ladies pushing the idea and Anna had already agreed to do it.
Pops knows when to keep his mouth shut ….. and they agreed to let me respond to your question.
As always, my beloved Daughter, ladies first.
July 18, 2024 at 8:00 am
If you want to know their foreign policy: just think of bowing the knee to every dictator from Russia to China and North Korea and forgetting the importance of freedom and democracy here and abroad.
Impeach Biden
July 18, 2024 at 8:31 am
So when did all hell break loose in regards to foreign policy? When did Putin invade Ukraine? When did Hamas invade Israel? When did Iran launch drone and missile attacks into Israel. When did the Houthi Rebels start taking shots at US Naval ships?
Jerry Attryck
July 18, 2024 at 8:37 am
If I were to characterize “their” foreign policy I would say it is to keep billions and billions of taxpayers money here in America for the use of the people who paid it, all while bringing American service people home alive, rather than blowed up in some sort of geriatric crackpot scheme to end our occupation of a foreign land we frankly never should have entered in the first place (if only we had the wit to remember what happened to the Soviets in the ’80s there–“there” in this case being a territory that was at least in their own hemisphere)
Impeach Biden
July 18, 2024 at 8:40 am
Okay i see your point. Let’s keep the money here so we can pay for health care, housing, education, feeding the millions of illegals that incompetent Joe / Ka Mana / Mayorkas let in.
Ocean Joe
July 18, 2024 at 8:53 am
Thanks. This explains the Republican led decisions to invade Iraq (twice), and go into Afghanistan for our longest war ever.
But now that the GOP belongs to one man, the past is irrelevant, buried under one of Trump’s failed casinos.
July 18, 2024 at 9:39 am
I still say, Luna is no Hester Prynne, but she deserves the big red “L” on the forehead. First the waste of time attacks on AG among others, Sorry Luna loses. And “Losers” hmmm.. Isn’t that what her hero Trump calls those that served? Losers, idiots?
“……they deserve a president who respects that sacrifice…”
Oh Luna, you know that’s not so.
My Take
July 18, 2024 at 10:43 am
She didn’t mention the threat from flying saucers?
July 18, 2024 at 10:59 am
There is a time for peace and a time for war. The best way to look at War is that if you are not going to fight a War with 100% of your might to finish the fight as quickly and definitively as possible, then you do not go to War. War can only be fought one way…all out. Anything less than seeking total victory is an insult to the men and women who fight the wars and creates protracted fights that will ultimately yield innumerable casualties. Fighting decisively cements positions where you rarely need to go to War.
Toe Tally
July 18, 2024 at 11:16 am
“Anything less than seeking total victory. . .” From the cry for “total victory” comes the demand for “total war” and from Total War, with all its romance and passion and noble sacrifice, naturally springs “totalitarianism” with all its unspeakable horrors. We are starting to get within smelling distance of that right now, and that it what Donald Trump is trying to stop. But the Democrats wail about “the end of our Democracy,” and we will do anything to prevent that, won’t we, including trying to kill a man standing in the middle of Pennsylvania summer meadow. We will do what it takes to preserve our Democracy, won’t we?. Yep, totally.
Ocean Joe
July 18, 2024 at 2:21 pm
Republican kid with a high powered rifle shoots at conman. Is that what you were trying to say?
Toe Tally
July 18, 2024 at 3:09 pm
Some goof who couldn’t have gotten a berth in a Cub Scout troop managed to make one of the biggest security states in the world look like a passel of incompetent boobs and you think it was all an inside Republican conspiracy. As far as “conman” is concerned, OJ, tell me how many votes you’ve gotten recently? But, you are a D, of course, and that means you are such a quaking paranoid that you think Trump’s whole reason for existence just to spoil your morning milk.
July 18, 2024 at 11:38 am
The two biggies!
Today’s Republican foreign policies and their ‘stuck-on-stupid’ trickle down economic agenda that has severely damaged America’s middle class to the benefit of millionaires are the two major reasons why millions of American voters are now independent voters.
Most Americans are Democrats, second in line are independent voters and Republicans rank third.
Republicans are America’s biggest threat!
Vote all Republicans out of office!
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