The Protect Dogs-Yes on 13 campaign announced late Thursday that it received the endorsement of 57 local businesses from across the state.
The campaign, which is promoting passage of a proposed constitutional amendment aimed at ending live dog racing in Florida, is pressing ahead despite a judge’s ruling that the measure’s ballot title and summary are defective and can’t go on this year’s ballot.
The state also on Thursday filed a notice of appeal to Circuit Judge Karen Gievers‘ decision.
“The state dog racing mandate … goes against free market values, and is causing harm to gentle greyhounds,” said Maurice R. Mizrahi, owner of Temptations Catering and Events in Fort Lauderdale and CaterMasters in Naples.
Tracks in Florida are generally required to continue running live dog or horse races to have slots and card games that make those facilities more money. A move afoot called “decoupling,” or removing the live racing requirement, has failed in the Legislature in recent years.
“The dogs are losing their lives,” Mizrahi added. “The only group benefiting from the state dog racing mandate is a handful of greyhound breeders. For them, the state dog racing mandate has become a subsidy program for their failing businesses.”
The measure was slated for the November ballot by the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC). Amendments need no less than 60 percent approval to be added to the state constitution.
The endorsements announced Thursday are from the following businesses:
Anderson Allergy & Asthma
Artistic Air Conditioning
Bark Avenue Bakery
Beach Express
Benson’s Canine Cookies
Best Books, Inc.
Book Warehouse, Inc.
CMi AC & Electrical
Coldwell Banker Hartung & Noblin, Inc.
Cool Critters Studio LLC
Courteous Canine, Inc.
Cowgirl Pizza
Crave It Fitness
Del Campo Dermatology and Laser Institute
Dog Lovers of Tarpon
Doggie Dayz Daycare & Training
Earth Pets Natural Pet Market
Earthwise Pet Supply
Greypit Inc.
Hollywood Houndz LLC
The Hound’s Meow
Imperial Dry Cleaners
Joey D’s Restaurant and Bar
KLP Consulting
Louise’s Pet Connection
Market on South
MEZE 119
Mojo’s Backyard
A Much Kneaded Massage
The Nest
Palm Harbor Pet Grooming
The Pet Nanny Lakeland
Pet Paradise Resort
Pet Pros
The Pets Natural Choice, Inc.
Rock Pamper Scissors
Rain Dogs Pet Grooming
RGU Color
San Carlos Realty, Inc.
Sanford Mower Sales and Services
Sandy Levy/Visual Impact Photography
Scottie Paws Pet Resort & Spa
Sebring Medical Hearing
Shape Shifters Fitness
Shandra’s Pet Salon
Silly Willie’s
Summit Automotive
Temptations Catering and Event Planning
Total Martial Arts and Fitness
Tri Star Karate
Vero Beach Book Center
Won Love Dog Training
Woof Gang Bakery (Fleming Island)
Woof Gang Bakery (Wellington)
whoop de do
August 3, 2018 at 4:00 pm
Business ACROSS Florida….57, oh, that’s headlines……….I wonder if they will get to be involved in the $2500 a plate fundraiser with Pam Bondi and Lara Trump! Have you people figured Pam Bondi out yet? Oh boy, I can think of ALOT of votes that Trump just lost! Does anyone really think a Liberal is going to jump to Trumps side because Lara Trump supports Pam Bondi? Not a chance, however, 10’s of thousands just went out the window!
August 3, 2018 at 5:23 pm
This is a very deceiving list. Some of these are independently owned chains. It would serve your readers better if they listed the city that these businesses are in. There are 3 Joey D’s, multiple Earthwise Pet Supply’s, Mojo’s Backyard is either a kennel in Tallahassee or a BBQ place in Gainesville. Do better.
August 3, 2018 at 6:59 pm
Everything about these crooks and their sham amendment is deceiving, as Her Esteemed Judge Gievers saw
August 3, 2018 at 11:37 pm
The deception is that the dogs are not in danger. It sure is funny how many of the endorsures for vote no have the word ‘rescue’ attached to their name.. Here is what rescue means
Synonym Discussion of rescue
rescue, deliver, redeem, ransom, reclaim, save mean to set free from confinement or danger. rescue implies freeing from imminent danger by prompt or vigorous action. ⟨rescued the crew of a sinking ship⟩ deliver implies release usually of a person from confinement, temptation, slavery, or suffering. ⟨delivered his people from bondage⟩ redeem implies releasing from bondage or penalties by giving what is demanded or necessary. ⟨job training designed to redeem school dropouts from chronic unemployment⟩ ransom specifically applies to buying out of captivity. ⟨tried to ransom the kidnap victim⟩ reclaim suggests a bringing back to a former state or condition of someone or something abandoned or debased. ⟨reclaimed long-abandoned farms⟩ save may replace any of the foregoing terms; it may further imply a preserving or maintaining for usefulness or continued existence. ⟨an operation that saved my life⟩
Jennifer Newcome
August 5, 2018 at 12:16 am
Very true. But those fake rescuers are the Vote Yes people. The greyhound folks, the REAL Greyhound Protectors are the Vote No people…
August 5, 2018 at 12:11 pm
How many dogs are in danger in your endorsed ‘ humane society ‘, that would be ALL of them since they kill healthy animals on a daily basis
August 3, 2018 at 9:50 pm
Dont Believe the Lies, Vote No on 13, Of course they Lie
Juliana G Robertson
August 3, 2018 at 11:21 pm
What a joke. None of these businesses know the truth about greyhound racing. As of last count, 65 greyhound adoption groups, i.e. the ones who really understand the issues and are the most vested in the outcome, have officially come out in favor of greyhound racing. That list is growing daily. The businesses on this list are ignorant of the issues and should be ashamed of themselves for putting one more nail in the coffin of racing greyhounds. Racing is in fact a safety net that exists for no other breed, one that ensures adoption. The lives of these animals is at stake. Don’t just come out against something unless you truly understand the issue. Get off your backside and go to the track and see the truth. Greyhounds are not abused at the track. And they love to run. #DontHateTheCrate
August 3, 2018 at 11:46 pm
Juliana Robertson
Read my last post to Ann Marie. Also gambling is a disease and hurts families and peoples lives. Stop promoting gambling by using dogs as your segway. And not one person or business ensures or gaurantees adoption of any animal. That statement is a flat out lie you made. And on top of that no greyhound would need a “safety net” if the industry were concidered harmless..
August 4, 2018 at 8:46 am
Apparently you are against gambling, then you should be aware the real reason for this amendment is because greyhound racing stands in the way of proliferation of casinos. But with the correct court verdict, that is highly unlikely now.
August 4, 2018 at 11:02 am
Where does that idea come from? Gambling has been expanding right under your nose for years. Sweepstake cafes, preveal games, designated player games, charity poker, mom & pop class II slots are all over the place. A new poker room in Florida City. A summer permit for Magic City.
If they get rid of the dogs they just do a linear move and replace it with lets say Blackjack for now. Existing facilties adding games and eliminating others does not constitute expansion. It will be called a trade off so they can have games that make financial sense. They dont make money off of dogs. Dogs also dont need to be involved in the gaming side of the track. Eliminating dogs from the equation will not hurt the breed one bit. The controversy will be over.
Kim Cassiday
August 4, 2018 at 7:07 pm
This will have a tremendous effect on the Greyhound breed. What will happen to the Greyhounds in Florida if they end racing. You’re talkin thousands!!
August 5, 2018 at 11:40 am
I guess that’s why PBKC said they do make money off dogs, because they don’t, right. Daytona, Sanford, PBKC,Derby lane and Jax are fighting to keep it. That wouldn’t be the case if they were not making money, moron
Kim Cassiday
August 4, 2018 at 6:58 pm
Gambling is not a disease it’s known as an addiction for those who cannot control their gambling same as alcohol there is there are people that can drink socially and there are people that came to gamble without it interfering with their lives. Greyhounds adoptions are up and where I’m located and the dogs that are placed with us get adopted. Some take longer than others they do find their forever home.
August 4, 2018 at 11:43 pm
So that means exactly what I said. Eliminating dogs from the equation will not hurt the breed one bit. You have adoption facilities as you all say that find homes for them. Adoptions are up. There is no reason for the dogs to race for humans to gamble on. Skip the life of racing and just give them a home from the beginning of their life instead of having them race until the get sent to an adoption facility which could take years. Let them run and play in big yard or field at someones home with children.
August 5, 2018 at 6:47 am
Everyone knows casino interests are using greyhounds as a front to turn tracks into casinos, but now a judge saw through the trickery and lies it isn’t going to happen. After 3 passes casinos are SOL. Dig into campaign contributions to Tom Lee and Scam Bondi sport. So it’s wrong to bet on dogs racing but horses are fine. You are a hypocrite
August 5, 2018 at 11:42 pm
your a disease that hurts families
Lori Bruce
August 6, 2018 at 4:24 pm
Are you aware that amendment 13 does not stop gambling on dog races? Tracks in Florida will still be allowed to take bets on greyhound races that they simulcast from other locations.
August 5, 2018 at 9:47 am
ANDY : Everyone knows casino interests are using greyhounds as a front to turn tracks into casinos,???????????
Thats a very stupid statement you made Andy.. Thats like saying bar owners are using liquor as a front to turn a beer drinking establishment into a bar…
Besides that you replied to my comment without even responding to anything I said. I find that pretty typical of many of the vote no people trying to get a point across. You just spew out some some rederic nonsense with cheap shots at trying to incite anger by calling them ‘sport or hypocrite’. The intellegence level is pretty low for the rescue people who actually post if you are all who you say you are. If you would just answer my questions or sticking to the conversation points correctly you might get people on your side. Lets start with point #1
Point # 1;
Eliminating dogs from the equation will not hurt the breed one bit. You have adoption facilities as you all say that find homes for them. Adoptions are up. There is no reason for the dogs to race for humans to gamble on. Skip the life of racing and just give them a home from the beginning of their life instead of having them race until the get sent to an adoption facility which could take years. Let them run and play in big yard or field at someones home with children.
August 5, 2018 at 10:55 am
So, obviously you are unaware that retired racing greyhounds make such good pets BECAUSE of their upbringing, not despite of it. It’s clear to those of us that have know retired racers vs. AKC greyhounds…they are two totally different animals.
August 5, 2018 at 11:37 am
Casino interests donations are right there for all to see, I guess that has nothing to do with huh. They lie about how the dogs are treated because people would not vote for casinos. Amendment 13 was redrafted twice to get a passing vote, crooked, like everything your side does
August 5, 2018 at 11:31 am
I will tell you what isn’t nonsense sport, the judge threw it out because it was ‘ crafted mislead’ LIE, which is what your side excels in. Greyhounds aren’t going anywhere, in the words of the Greatest of them ALL, learn to love it, baby
August 5, 2018 at 12:14 pm
Your mother says stop lying.. And put your football helmet back on….LMAO
August 6, 2018 at 7:44 am
You still haven’t told us the date the legislature put 3 on the ballot. Of course after I educated you on the matter you realize the stupidity of your statement, degenerate strip joint owner
Lori Bruce
August 6, 2018 at 3:59 pm
Are you aware that this amendment does not stop the gambling? That tracks are free to keep running their poker games and continue to take bets on simulcast. So it doesn’t end wagering on dog racing. People can still go to the tracks in Florida and bet on races taking place elsewhere.
August 5, 2018 at 12:05 pm
Unbelieveable… You two are relentless. I know a wall with better conversation than this. Enjoy living in your world of stupidity. You couldnt even stick to the script could you?. Just had to blurt out some rediculous string of words and stick your chest out didnt you? No votes for your side you sealed my vote for a yes when it comes back around.
August 6, 2018 at 7:47 am
I’m certain we can win without a vote from some moron who can’t even spell ridiculous
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