Rep. Bryan Avila faced pointed scrutiny in the House Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee on Tuesday, as he shepherded a bill that would circumscribe the way cities and local governments can use red-light cameras to detect traffic infractions at intersections.
HB 7071 seeks to limit the amount of infraction-based revenue cities get to spend on matters unrelated to public safety. Many have referred to the cameras as “cash cows” for municipalities. The bill would also require citations to be sent via certified rather than first-class mail, force local governments to submit annual reports on how cameras have affected safety or suspend operations until they do, and stop cities from citing drivers turning right on red.
That final component was undone by an amendment sponsored by Rep. George Moraitis, who joined other dissenting legislators in decrying onerous regulations foisted upon cities.
“I think we’re going the right direction, but I think maybe the original bill is just too far,” said Moraitis, the Broward delegation’s sole Republican. Former Gulfport mayor Kathleen Peters — who instituted her hometown’s red-light camera program in 2010 — was on the same page as Moraitis and raised concerns about unfunded mandates and a perceived disregard for home rule inscribed in the bill.
Paul Henry, of the civil libertarian group Liberty First, for one, disagreed with the amendment’s adoption and supported passage of a thoroughgoing version of the legislation. He has long been an opponent of the cameras.
“These right-turn-on-red violations are insignificant,” said Henry, a retired police officer, advocating narrowly defined violations. He pointed out the patchwork manner how infractions are enforced, citing differences in the length of lights as well as speed limits for right turns among cities: “Uniform traffic control is supposed to be uniform.”
Henry also sounded a familiar note for the programs’ critics: “It’s not about safety, it’s about money.”
Peters bristled at such arguments, as did ranking Democrat Hazelle Rogers, who emphasized pedestrian and cyclist safety.
“Our roadways have changed,” Rogers said. “We have more bike ways, bike paths, and stopping helps to insure that no one is in those paths. There are not enough police or eyes to catch jaywalkers, but in lieu of that I support enforcement of stopping on red lights with the cameras.”
Avila and Henry agreed on the necessity of sending citations via certified mail because of unintended consequences such as innocent drivers losing their licenses or getting caught up in legal red tape over a minor infraction, because they missed a notice in the mail.
They were bolstered by testimony from former House Speaker H. Lee Moffitt, who spoke in favor of the bill on behalf of The AAA Auto Club Group. He cited the high proportion of drivers on vacation or otherwise unfamiliar with Florida roads, who risk major fines for noncompliance with a citation they never saw.
The bill was ultimately approved as amended by Moraitis, with Democratic Reps. Rodgers, Richard Stark and Victor Torres voting “No,” along with Peters, a Republican.