A new digital ad from the Club for Growth applauds liberal Alan Grayson, while panning fellow Democrat Patrick Murphy, over each lawmaker’s position on the Export-Import Bank of the United States.
According to a statement, the group will begin airing the statewide on MSNBC and other channels across Florida, the third phase of a $1 million media campaign which includes digital ads.
The Export-Import Bank of the United States is the nation’s official export credit agency. As an independent, self-sustaining Executive Branch agency, the EXIM seeks to facilitate the export of U.S. goods and services. Conservatives call it a “slush fund” to allow the government spend billions on “outrageous giveaways” to a handful of giant corporations.
“Murphy supports the Ex-Im bank,” the ad says, “and wants to funnel billions more to corporate fat cats.”
Grayson, who also opposes the Export-Import Bank, is widely seen as a possible challenger for Murphy in the Democratic U.S. Senate race to replace Marco Rubio as he seeks the presidency in 2016.
The staunchly conservative club’s unusual endorsement of a liberal firebrand comes in light of its support of Republican U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis, a Tea Party Republican who is also running for the Senate. DeSantis himself has fought efforts to revive the bank, which seeks congressional reauthorization by June 30.
In addition to opposition of EXIM, Murphy’s campaign points out other radical right-wing positions taken by the club, which was formerly led by Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania. The group’s main issues include privatization of Social Security, raising the retirement age for benefits, and plans to turn Medicare into a voucher program.
Murphy also argues that the 30-second ad favoring Grayson is proof that Republicans are “afraid” of the Jupiter Democrat’s campaign.
“The fact that an ultra-right-wing Super PAC that aims to privatize Social Security is attacking Patrick is the clearest sign that he’s the strongest candidate in this race,” Murphy campaign manager Josh Wolf said in a statement. “Patrick entered public office to fight back against Tea Party obstructionists like the Club for Growth, who are intent on outsourcing Florida jobs overseas and privatizing Social Security and Medicare.”
The ad is also available on YouTube.