The Washington, D.C.-based political action committee EMILY’s List has put Miami Republican U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo on a list of 15 GOP incumbents “On Notice” for their re-election bids next year.
The PAC, which supports pro-choice women candidates, lists three specific factors in putting Curbelo on its list.
“In less than five months into the 114th Congress, we have seen Congressman Curbelo put his personal interest ahead of his constituents by co-sponsoring abortion bans, restricting women’s access to health care, and not supporting minimum wage proposals that would benefit the most vulnerable women and families in Florida’s 26th Congressional District,” Emily’s List President Stephanie Schriock said in a prepared statement.
“Less than five months into the 114th Congress, we have seen House Republicans more extreme than ever before, repeatedly prioritizing national abortion bans and restricting women’s access to health care over enacting policies that benefit more women and families across the country,” Schriock said. “That’s why for the first round of ‘On Notice’ incumbents, we’ve zeroed in on House Republicans whose refusal to stand up for women and families in their districts will get them sent packing in 2016.”
Curable defeated Democrat Joe Garcia in Florida’s 26th Congressional District last fall. Annette Taddeo, the chairwoman of the Miami-Dade County Democratic Party and the Democratic lieutenant governor candidate in 2014, has announced that she will challenge Curbelo in 2016.
Roll Call magazine says right now the 2016 race in CD 26 “leans Republican.”