“Don’t it always seem to go … That you don’t know what you’ve got .. Till it’s gone.”
Those lyrics from Joni Mitchell, quoted in a Janet Jackson song from the 1990s, apply to the latest fundraising gimmick from the Ron DeSantis campaign, in the form of a limited-edition “made in the USA” bumper sticker.
These might be gone before you read this, of course. The email subject header says there are only 50 left; the body of the email claims there are only 20. A $16 minimum donation secures these stickers, which are individually numbered and theoretically collectible.
Jacksonville residents remember the last time a candidate pushed out a fundraising email tied into bumper stickers. Lenny Curry used the same tactic; of course, his stickers were $15, but they lacked the individualized collector-friendly numbering.
Perhaps his campaign team will adopt that for 2019?