Lenny Curry and Mike Williams presented a united front on the campaign trail, and (as Florida Politics reported earlier) they are planning a joint inauguration on July 1.
“On the occasion of becoming our great city’s next mayor, I invite the people of Jacksonville to join us in this celebration of Jacksonville’s future,” Curry stated in an email release about the upcoming events. “This day belongs to the people because we will be one people working together for one purpose: a bright future for our city.”
“I am pleased to join the mayor-elect to be part of this communitywide city celebration,” Williams stated in the same email. “I look forward to July 1 with great pride and to working closely with the community as we move Jacksonville forward.”
The joint swearing in starts at 11 a.m. at the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts-Jacoby Hall, 300 Water St. It’s open to the public, and those attending are being asked to register for the event online at http://www.CurryInauguration.com or by calling (904) 712-0217.
Also that evening, Curry and Williams and their wives will be honorary hosts of Jacksonville’s Art Walk with the theme of “Art of Jacksonville.” The Currys will have an open house in city hall during Art Walk as well.