“You can’t teach hungry,” Florida trial attorney John Morgan says.
But if you shell out 35 bucks, you can try to learn.
Trial Guides, which calls itself a “legal media company that helps civil plaintiff’s lawyers win,” is now offering a “revised” paperback edition of Morgan’s 2011 legal practice self-help tome.
Morgan, 59, has earned fame and fortune from his personal injury law practice, fueled by the ubiquitous “For the People” radio and television TV ads.
He also is the chief benefactor of a drive to enact a medical marijuana amendment to the state constitution.
In the book’s 122 pages, Morgan “shares his secrets, laying out a chapter-by-chapter road map to a sustainable legal practice.”
Trial Guides’ catalog doesn’t hint at what the book’s latest changes include. Morgan did not immediately respond to an email.
Morgan leads a firm known for taking cases to trial when needed, rather than caving in to lowball settlement offers.
The firm lists nearly 300 attorneys in 25 offices in Florida, elsewhere across the South, and in New York and Philadelphia.
“You Can’t Teach Hungry guides you through the steps to take a thorough inventory that will allow you to make hard decisions to improve and grow your law firm,” the book’s blurb says. “It will change your practice and change your life.”