Republican presidential candidate Lindsey Graham on Wednesday called fellow GOP candidate Donald Trump‘s solution to destroy the Islamic State militant and terrorist group “the biggest recruiting opportunity in the (group’s) history.”
Graham, a U.S. senator from South Carolina, appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program.
He also said he agreed with former Vice President Dick Cheney, who was on the program earlier that morning, that “another 9/11 is coming.”
All “Americans should be concerned about one thing: That the next president is ready to be commander in chief because we’re at war,” Graham said. “I hope over time we’ll start realizing the next president needs to straighten out the world that’s fallen apart and start thinking about experience.”
As of Wednesday, Graham was polling at 0.2 percent, according to Huffington Post’s Pollster average of national results. Trump is now at 30.7 percent.
“I would send American ground forces and larger numbers to Iraq, about 10,000 rather than 3,500, couple aviation battalions, American helicopters flown by American pilots, trainers at the battalion level … so we can drop bombs on the right people,” Graham said. “Then the hard one is Syria; Syria is ten times harder than Iraq.”
On the other hand, “Mr. Trump’s solution to destroying ISIL (Islamic State) is as follows: ‘I’m going to send our guys and gals over there to take oil from Iraq and Syria to pay our wounded warriors,’ ” he added.
“I don’t think that destroys ISIL … I think that destroys our standing in the Middle East. And ISIL would love that plan. It’d be the biggest recruiting opportunity in the history of ISIL. That plan is ill conceived … He’s making no sense.”
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