The Florida Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday said it would lead a “Washington, D.C. fly-in” to meet with members of Florida’s congressional delegation.
Chamber board members will be “urging support of job creators and pushing back against burdensome regulations.”
Here’s the press release:
With job creators facing a tidal wave of overreaching federal regulations, the Florida Chamber of Commerce this week is leading a delegation of board members on a “Washington, D.C. Fly-In,” meeting with members of Florida’s Congressional delegation – urging their support of job creators and pushing back against burdensome regulations.
Overreaching federal regulations is the number one concern of Florida Chamber members and partners, according to its latest Florida Business Agenda survey.
“Florida companies are increasingly concerned about the tsunami of federal regulations headed their way,” said David Hart, Executive Vice President of the Florida Chamber.
“The Florida Chamber’s Washington, D.C. Fly-In allows our members and partners to serve as citizen lobbyists, side-by-side with our professional advocacy team, to further strengthen the voice of Florida’s business community and to say enough is enough when it comes to overreaching federal regulations.”
In recent weeks, the Florida Chamber has officially opposed numerous overreaching federal regulations, including:
• EPA’s Waters of the U. S. Rule
• EPA’s Ozone Regulations Rule
• EPA’s Clean Power Plan Rule
• Department of Labor’s Overtime RuleThe Florida Chamber’s Washington, D.C. Fly-In includes meetings with:
• Congresswoman Corrine Brown
• Congressman Vern Buchanan
• Congressman Carlos Curbelo
• Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart
• Congressman David Jolly
• Congresswoman Ileana Ros Lehtinen
• Congressman Daniel Webster
• U.S. Chamber of Commerce
• U.S. Department of AgricultureDuring the two-days of meetings, the Florida Chamber team also discussed:
• Reauthorizing Ex-Im Bank
• Transportation reauthorization (related to surface transportation)
• International tradeSpearheading this Florida Chamber advocacy opportunity are Alice Ancona, Director of Global Outreach, and Drew Preston, Chief of Staff & Vice President, Office of the President.
For more information, contact Edie Ousley at (850) 521-1231 or [email protected].