The Florida Democratic Party announced that Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill will keynote the FDP’s Saturday night dinner at the 2015 State Convention.
“Today we are thrilled to announce the Senator Claire McCaskill will keynote our 2015 State Convention dinner on October 31st.” said FDP Chair Allison Tant. “We couldn’t be more excited to have Senator McCaskill on our team as we head into such a critical election. Her incredible record as a glass-ceiling breaker is an inspiration to us all, and I can’t wait to hear from her Saturday night as she gets Florida Democrats fired up and ready to win in 2016.”
McCaskill has been representing Missouri in Washington since 2006, when she defeated Republican incumbent Jim Talent in the year that saw the Democrats controlling both the House and Senate. She was reelected in 2012, when she had the good fortune of facing Todd “legitimate rape” Akin, who she ended up defeating by 15 percentage points.
She was a key ally for Barack Obama in his bid for president in 2008, and has already been utilized as a surrogate for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. She irked Bernie Sanders supporters this summer when she called the self-avowed socialist as being “too extreme” for the American people.
“I think the media is giving Bernie a pass right now,” McCaskill said on MSNBC. “I very rarely read in any coverage of Bernie that he’s a socialist. I think everybody wants a fight and I think they are not really giving the same scrutiny to Bernie Sanders that they’re giving certainly to Hillary Clinton and the other candidates.”
And last month she suggested it would be unwise that Vice President Joe Biden to take on Clinton in the Democratic primary, saying, “I’m worried if he does and doesn’t do well, it will be hurtful to him, and we all care about him deeply.”
The Florida Democratic Party’s 2015 State Convention will take place at Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club in Lake Buena Vista from October 30th to November 1st.