Ed Briggs, a 27-year-old Tallahassee native, resides in Brandon, and says his entry into politics was purely by accident – or fate.
Like his father and grandfather before him, Briggs wanted to pursue a career in the Navy, with the dream to become a flight officer. But through a confluence of events (such as Congress failing to pass a budget), the dream didn’t work out.
However, working with Joel Springer with the Senate Victory for the Republican Party of Florida did. His internship there led to working on Tom Lee’s 2012 successful re-entry into state politics, and he’s maintained his gig at RSA Consulting since.
Briggs also worked in 2014 on the successful campaigns such as Melissa Snively for Hillsborough County School Board and Stacy White for Hillsborough County Commission.
He’s also done a considerable amount of lobbying on a variety of projects. The most rewarding, he says, come from the firm’s nonprofit work, such trying to get an appropriation for the Tampa Theatre’s electrical system. Another was to find funding for the new USF Morsani Medical School to move into developer Jeff Vinik’s master plan project in Tampa’s Channelside district.
“One lesson I have already learned in politics is that you have a lot of acquaintances, but very few friends,” Briggs says, asked what lessons he’s learned. “This game is a lot like the game, Operation. One wrong move and the alarm will sound. Everyone is trying to get ahead in this business and some people will say and do anything to attain that. If it means trying to take your position, they will do it.”
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