Donald Trump downplayed Iowa expectations during an appearance on “Face the Nation” Sunday. Saying “I don’t have to win it,” he then launched into a critique of Ted Cruz.
Marco Rubio also made his pitch.
- Trump hit Cruz on Goldman Sachs ties, saying the relationship ran against his “Robin Hood” image, while again emphasizing Cruz’s Canadian birth.
Trump pivoted to the center, reiterating his theme that Cruz stands alone in the Senate and “doesn’t even have one senator” endorsing him.
Trump, who likewise lacks senatorial endorsements, described endorsements from Joe Arpaio, Sarah Palin, and Jerry Falwell Jr. as important.
Trump also appealed to Bernie Sanders supporters, saying the Democrat and he agree on trade, and that “his people will come over” in time.
- Rubio reiterated his contention that Cruz is the front runner, addressing Cruz’s claim that Rubio is the “Republican Obama” with a laugh, saying that “it’s kind of strange” that the Cruz campaign has hit him with “last-minute, desperation” attacks that are “disingenuous.”
“People don’t attack a candidate that has no chance to win,” Rubio said, signalling an immediate focus on New Hampshire and South Carolina as soon as Iowa wraps.
Rubio also maligned Jeb Bush‘s “$30 million in attack ads” from the “$100 million super PAC” while saying that like Barack Obama eight years ago that people have told him “I need to wait my turn.” The president to be said in 2008 saying that the establishment wanted “to boil all the hope out of me.”
The balance of Rubio’s interview was devoted to attacking Cruz’ inconsistencies, with nothing new being said by the Florida Senator.