Marco Rubio is gaining ground in New Hampshire, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll.
Among likely Republican primary voters, Rubio is in second place with 17 percent, up 6 points from the Jan. 28 NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll. The new survey found Donald Trump continues to lead the Republican field with support from 30 percent of respondents, while 15 percent picked Ted Cruz.
John Kasich leads among the governors with 10 percent, followed by Jeb Bush at 9 percent. Chris Christie is at 4 percent.
The NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll found 11 percent of respondents said they might vote differently on primary day. That may bode well for Rubio. Much like in Iowa, Rubio and Cruz are the second-choice favorites in New Hampshire.
According to the survey, 20 percent of likely Republican primary voters said Rubio was their second choice; while 16 percent said Cruz was their second choice.
#Trump leads in New Hampshire, while #Rubio gains via new @NBCNews/@WSJ/@maristpoll https://t.co/4g3V5LCr36 #FITN pic.twitter.com/5V8E0ZekbS
— NBC News PR (@NBCNewsPR) February 5, 2016
On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders leads Hillary Clinton, 58 percent to 38 percent. The results haven’t changed much since the last NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, which had Sanders leading Clinton 57 percent to 38 percent.
The New Hampshire primary is Tuesday.
JUST IN: #Sanders Leads #Clinton by 20 Points in NH via @NBCNews/@WSJ/@maristpoll >> https://t.co/4J0Q5Jk2CE #FITN pic.twitter.com/dZGuYNApQm
— NBC News PR (@NBCNewsPR) February 4, 2016