Appearing somewhat sheepish about his proposal, Tallahassee Democrat Bill Montford stopped his own bill (SB 1148) in a Senate committee on Monday that would have required self-service gas station pumps to have printers in working order to produce receipts.
“From hearing from my constituents in the 11 counties that I serve, this is not just a now-and-then occurrence,” the lawmaker told members of the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee.
He acknowledged that it wasn’t the most important issue that would come before them, “but I wanted to bring to your attention, and to the industry as well.”
That mission may have been accomplished.
Monford said the Florida Retail Federation had unilaterally alerted its statewide membership that it’s a problem that needs to be addressed, which Montford said he endorsed: “The last thing we need is another regulation coming down from Tallahassee.”
He also told committee members that he understood some of the pumps are old and faulty, and will likely be replaced in the coming year. After a short exchange, he said he would temporarily postpone, presumably killing its chances of passage this session.