Marco Rubio‘s latest and perhaps last campaign video, released Monday, urges “It’s All About Florida” and emphasizes that it is time for his generation to do its part now to leave a better nation for children, including his.
“I have four children,” Florida’s U.S. Senator and Republican presidential candidate states at the beginning of the minute-16-second video, “And I want them to inherit a country that’s as special as the one given to me. To me, that’s the most important issue.”
The video, “It’s About Them,” is filled with campaign stills of Rubio with his children, and other smiling families with their children, interspersed with pictures of Rubio on stage, or greeting supporters, as a voice-over plays of a Rubio speech.
Rubio notes his parents arrival from Cuba, and continues, “I want my children, and I want that generation, to inherit a country that’s not just as good as the one that welcomed my parents, but one that’s better. And we’re losing that.”
The video emphasizes Rubio’s generation and his stated calling to represent it in the White House. He is 44, the youngest of the candidates this year, and has often made the claim to this being his generation’s turn, while other candidates have dismissed him as too young and green, and suggested he needs to wait his turn.
That decision could be forced Tuesday night as Rubio faces what many political observers are calling a must-win situation in his home state. Polls indicate he is losing. Rubio is working Florida hard, all but abandoning efforts in other states voting Tuesday including Ohio, Missouri and Illinois.
“For over two centuries each generation has left the next better off. Now the moment has arrived for our generation to do our part,” he added.
It ends as if emphasizing Rubio’s all-in bet on Florida, with text on the screen reading, “It all comes down to Florida. Vote Tuesday.”