Hillary Clinton is going after Republican front-runner Donald Trump in a new advertisement, without ever mentioning his name.
The Clinton campaign is launching the ad in New York ahead of its April 19 primary, according to POLITICO Playbook. The 30-second spot, called New York, features Clinton speaking over images of New York.
“New York, 20 million people strong. No, we don’t all look the same, we don’t all sound the same either. But when we pull together we do the biggest things in the world,” the former Secretary of State is heard saying in the advertisement.
“So when some say we can solve America’s problems by building walls, banning people based on their religion and turning against each other; well this is New York, and we know better,” she continues as an image of a Trump sign and violence at a rally flash onto the screen.
Trump holds a commanding lead over his Republican opponents in New York. Recent polling averages show Trump has an average lead of 38 percent over John Kasich and Ted Cruz.
Polling averages show Clinton leads Bernie Sanders by an average of nearly 35 percent.