When it comes to personal emails for public business, Jeb Bush is nothing short of a hypocrite, says the left-leaning American Bridge 21st Century.
As the controversy lingers over Hillary Clinton’s emails, a new American Bridge video reminds the public of correspondence problems of Bush, another high-profile potential presidential candidate.
Recently, Bush attacked Clinton for using private emails during her time as Secretary of State, a subject he called “a little baffling, to be honest with you.”
American Bridge doubts the veracity of the former governor, saying he has little right to criticize others, particularly after facing own “troubling vulnerabilities” with emails.
Citing a Washington Post report, the 60-second spot points out that Bush compromised national security by discussing troop movements after September 11, 2001 on his personal e-mail account. The video also highlights a New York Times story finding that it took Bush more than seven years to comply fully with Florida public records statutes on email disclosure – in itself a violation of state law.
“Jeb Bush is a hypocrite,” says the statement accompanying the video. “People who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones.”
Bush’s “baffling” hypocrisy is on full display on the video – now available on YouTube.