In the pivotal month of April, HD 11 Republicans Donnie Horner and Barry Holloway failed to close the money gap between them and Sheri Treadwell.
Horner, who lost the money lead to Treadwell in March, was not able to regain it in April.
$9,150 of new money brought Horner’s total raised to $113,300 after April. Interesting donors in April included Lanny Wiles, the husband of perennial Jacksonville insider Susie Wiles.
Mr. Wiles gave, as his wife did in March, $500.
Maxing out to Horner in April: powerful Jacksonville contractor W.W. Gay.
Horner is spending money. The $12,915 in expenditures in April brought Horner’s total spend thus far up to $36,545, leaving him just under $77,000 on hand.
(That $77,000 contrasts unfavorably to Treadwell, who had roughly $102,000 as of her March numbers. Her April numbers are still pending.)
Data Targeting, the GOP research company, accounted for $7,869 of Horner’s April expenditures. Pass Consulting Group collected $2,389 from Horner in April.
Barry Holloway’s fundraising again was anemic. A $1,300 April total represented his first fundraising since December 2015.
Holloway has raised $12,125 during the campaign thus far. With his campaign account bolstered by a $10,000 loan, the Bryceville Republican has just under $15,000 on hand.