A Brevard County political committee is taking aim at Ritch Workman in a new advertisement.
Stop Career Politicians, a political committee formed in Senate District 17, launched its first television advertisement Tuesday. The 30-second spot, called “Ritch Wrongman: Wrong on Immigration,” is meant to highlight Workman’s record on immigration.
“Ritch Workman voted to let illegal immigrants attend Florida’s colleges at discounted in-state tuition rates,” an announcer is heard saying.
“I absolutely voted yes on that bill,” he is then shown saying.
The announcer then lists other immigration-related bills Workman voted for, showing the same response from Workman after it, before saying: “And what does Workman say about voting against your values?”
In response, Workman is shown saying: “My job is not to ask your opinion and go do your bidding.”
Workman, a Melbourne Republican, will face Republicans Debbie Mayfield and Mike Thomas in the Aug. 30 Republican primary. Both Workman and Mayfield, a Vero Beach Republican, have previously served in the Florida House.
Stop Career Politicians was created earlier this month. According to its website, the political committee was created to hold Workman “accountable for his moral, ethical and legal transgressions.”
One comment
No Fracking in Florida
June 29, 2016 at 5:01 pm
Workman also voted to stop local governments from banning fracking. How is that representing the people? Vote Workman OUT!!!
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