A new flyer from Republican Dick Kravitz offers House District 16 voters a laundry list of his “accomplishments.”
Among them, the former Jacksonville City Councilman and state representative claims he received an “A+” rating from the National Rifle Association.
One problem; it’s a bald-faced lie.
“Dick Kravitz DOES NOT have an ‘A+’ rating from NRA,” writes Marion Hammer, past NRA president and executive director of Unified Sportsmen of Florida.
In an email obtained by FloridaPolitics.com, Hammer says the ratings were posted on NRA’s website; and Kravitz was provided with a link, contained in an alert sent to candidates the day after posting the ratings.
“No responsible candidate would claim a grade without first checking to find out his grade,” she adds. “One can only assume that Mr. Kravitz is deliberately misrepresenting his NRA rating.”
To put it another way, Kravitz lied, again.
This latest move seems to be another part of an increasingly nasty “scorched-earth” strategy by Kravitz to undermine his Republican opponent, Jason Fischer.
Fischer, a former Duval County School Board member, has the legitimate endorsement of both the NRA and Unified Sportsmen.
Earlier, a robocall from the Kravitz campaign attempted to falsely link Fischer to the Duval County School Board’s adoption of EngageNY, a “Common Core Obama-funded” elementary school curriculum.
“ENGAGE NEW YORK which teaches ISLAM in our public schools,” the call said, “because Jason Fischer sided with the superintendent and failed to cast the deciding vote against it.”
Kravitz has yet to provide any proof of either his NRA rating or his claims against Fischer.
FloridaPolitics.com reported in July Kravitz had also touted his false NRA rating during the Southside Business Men’s Club debate at the San Jose Country Club.
“It’s not guns that are the problem; it’s people,” he said, without a trace of irony. “We don’t need to be hyping up the public taking away their guns.”
As A.G. Gancarski wrote July 7: “The question, of course, is one of whether House District 16 voters will respond favorably to what appears to be a concerted campaign of character assassination, launched by Kravitz, a candidate who has been losing the money race for months, and who appears to be trying the nuclear option against Fischer.”
August 8, 2016 at 12:53 pm
Jason Fischer is Jeb Bush’s bought and paid for bitch. He was for Common Core well before he was against it. He is nothing more than the latest whore to sell his soul to “low-energy” Jeb Bush. He who sold parental rights and sovereignty over their children to Barack Obama for a pile of cash ($29 million dollars)
August 8, 2016 at 12:57 pm
I forgot, Marion Hammer is also Jeb Bush’s bitch.
Karen Olson
August 18, 2016 at 3:51 pm
Jason Fisher did not show up for the school board vote June 18, 2015 where he could have voted against EngageNY common core curriculum this information is available by googling the Duval County Schoolboard minutes.
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