While Hillary Clinton is hunkering down this weekend in preparation for Monday night’s massive debate against Donald Trump, her running mate will hit the hustings in Miami on Sunday night, and has now added appearances on Lakeland and Sarasota to his itinerary for Monday.
Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Kaine will speak at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday at Miami Dade Colleage’s Kendall campus. The focus will be on “Clinton’s plan to create an economy that works for all, not just those at the top.,” according to the campaign.
The campaign later announced on Saturday that Kaine will come to Lakeland on Monday afternoon at 12:15, speaking at the Lakeland Center (701 W. Lime Street). The doors open there at 10:30 a.m.
The V.P. nominee will then appear Monday afternoon in a roundtable with Latino Faith Leaders in Orlando at 4 p.m. It’s an invitation only event at Iglesias El Calvario, and won’t open to the public.
Kaine is then scheduled to participate in a LGBT debate watch party with the Human Rights Campaign in Orlando at Church Street Station in Orlando at 8 p.m.
Kaine, a U.S. Senator from Virginia, has been a frequent visitor to Florida since being named almost exactly two months ago in Miami to serve as Clinton’s running mate.