U.S. Rep, Ron DeSantis and Sen. Ted Cruz collaborated on a Washington Post op-ed Friday with a simple message regarding “draining the swamp.”
The secret: a Constitutional amendment for congressional term limits.
“As soon as the 115th Congress convenes,” the legislators write, “both of us will move to restore accountability among the entrenched Washington establishment by introducing a constitutional amendment to limit the number of terms that a member of Congress can serve to three in the House and two in the Senate.”
“We believe that the rise of political careerism in modern Washington is a drastic departure from what the founders intended of our federal governing bodies. To effectively ‘drain the swamp,’ we believe it is past time to enact term limits for Congress,” Cruz and DeSantis add.
The chase for seniority, a consequence of a lack of term limits, nettles Cruz and DeSantis both.
“With term limits,” the legislators write, “we will have more frequent changes in leadership and within congressional committees, giving reformers a better chance at overcoming the Beltway inertia that resists attempts to reduce the power of Washington.”
The time is now to push this through, Cruz and DeSantis opine.
“With control of a decisive majority of the states, the executive branch, the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Republican Party has the responsibility to respond to the voters’ call to action.”
One comment
December 11, 2016 at 1:35 am
From the office that told me my requested bill “would not pass”
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