The Florida House voted Thursday unanimously to direct two-thirds of the $400 million the state is due from the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster to the worst-affected counties in the Panhandle.
HB 7077 requires 75 percent of all payments that Florida receives from the settlement agreement between the five Gulf states and BP be transferred from the general fund to the Triumph Gulf Coast Trust Fund.
“This disaster took money out of the hands of families and hardworking small businesses in the Panhandle,” said Jay Trumbull, a Panama City Republican who was one of many Northwest Florida House members who spoke for the legislation.
“I am excited today that we are now enduring this money will be put back in the hands of the people hurt most.
The vote was 112-0.
Under the proposal, the Triumph Gulf Coast corporation can award funding for several things including:
— Public infrastructure projects to enhance economic recovery, diversification, and enhancement in the disproportionately affected counties;
— Grants to local governments in the counties to establish and maintain equipment and trained personnel for local action plans to respond to disasters;
— Early childhood development and educational programs; and
— Grants to support programs to prepare students for future occupations and careers at K-20 institutions that have campuses in the communities.
The proposal requires Triumph Gulf Coast to give 14 days’ notice its intent to make an award and requires the corporation make sure each of the eight disproportionately affected counties directly benefit from the awards.
The committee also approved a bill establishing a trust fund.