Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris King is launching his first campaign video on the internet, mocking Gov. Rick Scott’s jobs record and using the current governor in the video.
The ad begins with footage taken from one of Scott’s own videos, showing him in a radio studio declaring his mantra, “What have we done in the last six years? We have focused on jobs, jobs, jobs.”
“Here are the facts,” Scott continues. But that’s as far as he gets. As the video freezes on him, and then goes into a loop, repeating, “Here are the facts,” King offers his own list.
King is the Winter Park affordable housing developer who is one of two declared Democrats running for the 2018 election, along with Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum.
Citing the Orlando Sentinel, the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, and POLITIFACT, King’s new video notes that under Scott:
“Half of Florida’s jobs pay less than $15 an hour.”
“Florida ranks 40th in household income.” and
“there’s no question Florida’s wages are low by national standards.”
Then comes King’s slogan, “It’s time for new leadership,” followed by a a few seconds of silent video of King laughing and pumping his fist at some sort of luncheon.