With a tip of the hat to LobbyTools, here are the latest movements – both on and off – of the legislative merry-go-round.
Off: Hope Holt, formerly calendar coordinator in the House Clerk’s Office, is now serving as a program specialist for the Office of Professional Development.
Off: Tina White stepped down as policy chief for the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee.
Off: Dane Bennett is no longer a legislative assistant for Fort Myers Republican Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto.
Off: Theresa Frederick and Isabela Dorneles are no longer legislative assistants for North Miami Beach Democratic Sen. Daphne Campbell. Frederick has retired.
Off: Whitney Legrand is no longer legislative assistant for Bradenton Republican Sen. Bill Galvano.
On: Adriana Mitchell became a secretary for Gainesville Republican Sen. Keith Perry.
On: Matthew Floyd became a legislative assistant for Tampa Republican Sen. Dana Young.
Off: Lydia Brooks is no longer legislative assistant for Tallahassee Democratic Rep. Loranne Ausley.
Off and on: Karol Molinares is replacing Daniela Fernandez as legislative assistant for Miami-Dade Democrat Rep. Daisy Baez
Off: Kathi Brown is no longer district secretary for Bradenton Republican Rep. Jim Boyd.
On: Robin Steele is now district secretary for Newberry Republican Rep. Chuck Clemons.
Off: Zachary Allen is no longer district secretary for Naples Republican Rep. Byron Donalds.
Off and on: Robert Bogle has replaced Gabriel Sheffield as a legislative assistant for Fort Lauderdale Democratic Rep. Bobby DuBose.
Off: Harrett Mann is no longer district secretary for Jacksonville Republican Rep. Jason Fischer.
Off: Dana Coleman is no longer district secretary for The Villages Republican Rep. Don Hahnfeldt.
Off and on: Among the changes in Beverly Hills Republican Rep. Ralph Massullo’s office: Christopher Melvin is no longer a legislative assistant, Adele Scordato has moved from district secretary to legislative assistant, and Dorothy Dilworth has now become district secretary.
Off: Kelly McClure is no longer legislative assistant for Orlando Democratic Rep. Amy Mercado.
Off: Jeremy Stein is no longer district secretary for Destin Republican Rep. Mel Ponder.
Off and on: Alexis Howard replaced Renay Kinloch as district secretary for Miami Gardens Democratic Rep. Sharon Pritchett.
Off and on: Among the changes in Boca Raton on Democratic Rep. Emily Slosberg’s office, Ed Sol has replaced Paula Rigoli as district secretary and Joshua Winograd has stepped down as a legislative assistant.
Off: Priscilla Johnson is no longer district secretary for Miami Gardens Democratic Rep. Barbara Watson.