A compilation of Independence Day messages from Florida’s elected officials and politicians:
Attorney General Pam Bondi:
“Two hundred and forty-one years ago, our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence to ensure our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Since that historic day, generations of military men and women have sacrificed everything to protect those rights. It is because of their service that we are able to enjoy this nation’s freedoms and privileges today. So this Fourth of July, as we celebrate our great democracy, let us also honor those brave Americans who have and continue to serve our country.”
U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz:
Happy 4th of July! I hope you and your family have a fun-filled day by the pool, at the beach, or grilling out and celebrating America. Without question, we live in the greatest country in history because America was created on some truly revolutionary ideas – equality for all, individual liberty, representative government, and inalienable rights guaranteed by God.
In Northwest Florida, we understand the true meaning of Independence Day better than most – that’s because we know first-hand the sacrifices that have been and are still being made today to defend our freedoms and way of life. So as you celebrate July 4th today, be sure to thank a veteran for their service in defense of our incredible country.
Enjoy the fireworks tonight, and may God bless America!
State Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto:
Independence Day is a day when we come together as Americans to recognize and celebrate our exceptional nation, and its foundation of democracy. Our founders bravely came together 241 years ago in Philadelphia to change the course of history as they signed the Declaration of Independence. This was more than merely a symbolic method of voicing their discontent, it was the beginning of the freedom that we enjoy to this day.
Let us celebrate an idea that captured the imagination of those brave individuals, which was the birth of an ideal that continues to inspire the rest of the world to this day.
May we also express gratitude to the men and women in uniform who have and continue to sacrifice greatly to protect our many freedoms. These freedoms are the cornerstone of our great country which continues to attract individuals from across the world in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.
I encourage us all to take a few quiet moments this weekend as we see a passing parade or our American Flag flying high to remember the opportunities we enjoy daily and often take for granted.
Join me in passing down our rich traditions and remarkable history by sharing stories and pride with your children and grandchildren, so future generations will understand the legacy of those who came before us.
Best wishes for a safe and joyous Independence Day with family and friends!
State Rep. Bill Hager:
Many of you will be taking a long weekend to enjoy time with family and friends. I want to wish you a happy, safe and enjoyable Independence Day! For those of you still looking for something to do this holiday weekend, the Palm Beach Post has put together a list of the best fireworks and fun events throughout Palm Beach County. You can view that article by clicking here. As always, it is my honor to represent you in the Florida House. Please do not hesitate to contact me if ever I may be of service to you.
Former state Rep. Ed Hooper:
On the eve of celebrating the birth of our nation, I wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Independence Day. It is a reminder of the courage it took to hold true to our core American principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is a time to reflect upon the sacrifices made by the founders of our nation and their families. And it is a time to recommit ourselves to our country’s success and celebrate just how fortunate and blessed we are to live in this great nation. I wish you a Happy Independence Day and I hope you have a great time enjoying this celebration of our country. I look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail!
Palm Beach County Commissioner Melissa McKinlay:
As we gather today with family and friends to celebrate our country, I’d like to share one more thing worth celebrating: direct advocacy works!
Our opioid battle is gaining traction. Last week, the Florida Association of Counties acknowledged our progress by presenting me with the Marlene Young Presidential Advocacy Award. Governor Scott has now extended the State of Emergency I originally requested in May, and we’ve been approved for much-needed funding.
This is one of the things I love most about our country. When we see something that needs attention, we have the freedom to push our leaders for change. Things don’t always go the way we want. But when they do? It is so encouraging to know we had a small part in making our country just a little bit better.
As always, I thank you for the opportunity to serve.
I wish you a safe and happy 4th!
Republican Party of Palm Beach County:
The Fiorentino Group: