With a tip of the hat to LobbyTools, here are the latest movements – both on and off – of the legislative merry-go-round.
On: Jonathan Capps became a legislative analyst for the Senate Majority Office.
Off and on: Staff director Jennifer Hrdlicka has moved from the Senate Criminal Justice to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development. Lauren Jones replaces Hrdlicka on Criminal Justice.
Off and on: Tempie Sailors replaces Karen Manning as an administrative assistant in the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development.
Off and on: Vincent Aldridge went from attorney to deputy staff director for the House Ways & Means Committee.
Off and on: Shirlyne Everette has moved from administrative assistant to the Senate General Counsel to again become Senate committee administrative assistant to the Senate Committee on Community Affairs.
Off and on: Michelle Perez has moved from being committee administrative assistant in Senate Education to administrative assistant to the Senate General Counsel; she will also serve as Public Records Coordinator, replacing Tessa Wagoner who enrolled in FSU law school.
Off and on: Jay Ferrin is out and Diana Caldwell is in as staff director for Senate Governmental Oversight and Accountability. Caldwell will also be staff director for the Senate Committee on Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities.
On: Tamra Redig, the committee administrative assistant for Senate Governmental Oversight and Accountability, joins Caldwell on both the Senate Governmental Oversight and Accountability and Senate Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities committees.
On: Tonya Kidd is a new deputy staff director for Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services.
Off: Courtney Pickus is no longer a legislative assistant for Democratic state Sen. Lauren Book of Plantation.
On: La’Toya Sheals is now a legislative assistant for Democratic state Sen. Daphne Campbell of North Miami Beach.
Off: Elizabeth Fetterhoff is no longer legislative assistant for Port Orange Republican state Sen. Dorothy Hukill.
On: David Ballard is now a legislative assistant for Brandon Republican state Sen. Tom Lee.
Off: Kayla Lott is no longer legislative assistant for Republican state Sen. Keith Perry of Gainesville.
On and off: Clint Streicher is the new legislative assistant for Boca Raton Democratic state Sen. Kevin Rader. Kathleen Roe is no longer Rader’s legislative assistant.
Off: Jamesha Cox is no longer legislative assistant for state Rep. Thad Altman, and Indialantic Republican.
On: Kristin Fulwylie is the new legislative assistant for Ocoee Democratic state Rep. Kamia Brown.
On and off: Karen Riggien is now a legislative assistant for Jacksonville Democratic state Rep. Kim Daniels. YuVonda Steward has stepped down as Daniels’ legislative assistant; George Davis is her new district secretary.
On: Kathleen Larsen is now district secretary for Cape Coral Republican state Rep. Dane Eagle.
Off: Justin Gendler is no longer district secretary for Democratic state Rep. Katie Edwards of Sunrise.
On and off: Chesten Goodman is now a legislative assistant for Jacksonville Republican state Rep. Jay Fant. Jake Farmer is no longer the legislative assistant for Fant.
Off: Kimberly Simon is no longer a legislative assistant for Republican state Rep. James Grant of Tampa.
On: Lauren Williams is now a legislative assistant for Pensacola Republican state Rep. Clay Ingram.
On: Jackie Gomez-Tejeda is now district secretary for Democratic state Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith of Winter Park.
On: Karly Humphrey is the new district secretary for Palm Harbor Republican state Rep. Chris Sprowls.