This weekend on Tampa Bay’s TV program Political Connections, Sen. Jack Latvala reiterated a categorical denial of the sexual harassment charges swirling around him.
Latvala, accused by multiple women as having been sexually inappropriate, has already relinquished the Senate Appropriations Chair; as the Senate investigates. his candidacy for Governor is in mortal peril.
Yet he continues to maintain he did nothing wrong — “intentionally,” at least.
“At no time, have I ever done anything intentionally to bring discredit to my constituents, my district, my family, myself, or the Florida Senate.”
Latvala added: “I’ve denied these allegations specifically, directly, as strongly as I know how.”
The Clearwater Republican rejected a possible error in communication.
“Al, you don’t misunderstand whether someone’s hand is on your rear end or not,” Latvala told host Al Reuchel. “And mine wasn’t on one of these rear ends. Wasn’t there.”
“There’s no misunderstanding that.”
Latvala has declared his innocence since the allegations surfaced weeks ago, going as far as taking a polygraph test, with results indicating he wasn’t lying.
He also spoke to the charges previously, which he contends were “fake news” from online news outlet POLITICO Florida.
“For a guy who’s entering his 16th year in the Senate, to destroy my reputation based on anonymous allegations is unfortunate,” Latvala told the News Service of Florida.
“Do I let my mouth overload my good sense every now and then and maybe say, `You’re looking good today? You’ve lost weight? You’re looking hot today?’ Yeah. But I haven’t touched anybody against their will,” he said.