The most important and unregrettable time of my life was the 12 years I spent in the Army. I became a bomb technician because I wanted to save lives.
I nearly gave my own life for that — I lost both my legs and a finger when a roadside bomb detonated beneath me — and have known more heroes than I can count who died defending others.
When I was with others on the battlefield and we saw a chance to save a life, we didn’t have a meeting about it; we acted immediately. I never worried about becoming a casualty myself.
Now, as a Republican congressman from Florida, I don’t fear becoming a political casualty, either. If we act now by changing laws surrounding firearms and mental illness, we too can save lives.
Most nights in Afghanistan, I wielded an M4 carbine and a 0.40-caliber pistol. The total barrel length of my M4 was approximately 14 inches with Trijicon ACOG sights, as well as an infrared laser. I usually carried 10 magazines stacked with 20 rounds of 5.56-millimeter ammunition each.
My rifle was very similar to the AR-15-style semi-automatic weapon used to kill students, teachers and a coach I knew at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, where I once lived.
I have fired tens of thousands of rounds through that rifle, many in combat. We used it because it was the most lethal — the best for killing our enemies.
And I know that my community, our schools and public gathering places are not made safer by any person having access to the best killing tool the Army could put in my hands. I cannot support the primary weapon I used to defend our people being used to kill children I swore to defend.
The truth is, most gun owners are responsible sportsmen and collectors who enjoy shooting recreationally, like me, or want to protect their home in the way they see fit. I am a longtime member of the National Rifle Association. My grandfather bought me my first NRA membership when I was young, and I have the same pride he and many Americans feel at being responsible gun owners, becoming excellent marksmen and joining in the camaraderie of hunting.
We are Americans and we like to be the best; we should never lose this trait. The AR-15 is an excellent platform for recreational shooters to learn to be outstanding marksmen. Unfortunately, it is also an excellent platform for those who wish to kill the innocent.
I conceal and carry a 9-millimeter pistol most days because I know the threats, and I don’t want to die because I am unprepared to return fire.
I also know that I am made less safe by the threat of tactical rifles. I am confident I can eliminate an active shooter who is attacking with a pistol because the attacker would have to be close to me. But the defense my concealed 9-millimeter affords me is largely gone if the attacker is firing from beyond 40 yards, as he could easily do with the AR-15.
No firearm is evil. Guns are tools that fulfill the intent of their users, good or bad. But we’ve seen that the rifle of choice for many mass shooters is the AR-15.
The Second Amendment is unimpeachable. It guarantees the right of citizens to defend themselves. I accept, however, that it does not guarantee that every civilian can bear any and all arms.
For example, the purchase of fully automatic firearms is largely banned already, and I cannot purchase an AT-4 rocket, grenades, a Bradley Fighting Vehicle or an Abrams tank. I know that no single action can prevent a truly determined person from committing mass murder, and I am aware of other ways to commit mass murder, such as bombings and mass vehicular slaughter. Not being able to control everything, however, should not prevent us from doing something.
Therefore, I support the following:
Defining what constitutes an assault or tactical firearm and not allowing them for future purchase — just as we already prohibit the purchase of fully automatic firearms. The exact definition of assault weapon will need to be determined. But we should all be able to agree that the civilian version of the very deadly weapon that the Army issued to me should certainly qualify. I would not support any version of a ban that results in confiscating existing legally owned firearms.
Ensuring that every firearm purchaser has a background check. We also need to improve the background check system.
Banning the sale of accessories and add-ons that circumvent the ban on automatic firearms and increasing the ages at which individuals can purchase various categories of firearms.
Ensuring that those who have been detained for mental illness, or have been ordered by courts to receive treatment for mental illness, cannot purchase firearms.
Ensuring that someone who is being looked at as a possible terrorist, through a system of due process, cannot purchase a firearm and that any person threatening to shoot or blow up a school, in word or on social media, is placed on an FBI watch list for a long time.
Providing behavior detection training to anyone seeking a Federal Firearms License.
Making substantial resources available to schools, at their discretion, for security measures, including the opportunity to purchase enhanced security screening, install classroom panic buttons wired directly to law enforcement and hire additional school resource officers.
Holding the FBI and state agencies accountable for their failures to identify a threat like Nikolas Cruz, as well as ensuring that schools enforce basic security protocols to prevent access by unauthorized personnel.
And finally, conducting further research into the nexus of gun violence, violence in mass media and mental illness.
The president, House of Representatives, Senate, every state legislature, sheriffs, police officers, school boards, students and parents must unite with one mission: that no one will ever be murdered in school again.
Brian Mast represents Florida’s 18th Congressional District.
John Brazzell
February 23, 2018 at 6:55 pm
I want this man to be in higher office. His reasoning and proven courage are a remarkable contrast to most we see there now. Thank you for your prior service and the heavy sacrifices you have made. Thank you for standing up as a leader on this difficult issue. You have my support. How can I help?
Georgia McGuire
February 23, 2018 at 8:05 pm
Thank you. Your letter said it just right. If your ideas were put into effect t , everyone would be a lot safer and still have their right to bear arms
Georgia McGuire
February 23, 2018 at 8:08 pm
I agree with you. And I will forward this . thabks
Georgia McGuire
February 23, 2018 at 8:11 pm
Matt Smith
February 23, 2018 at 8:42 pm
You just lost another vote. You may as well declare yourself a Democrat.
Kenyon Newman
February 23, 2018 at 11:23 pm
Please let the Arizona congressman that I am a republican in AZ and I want them to take your stance. I called them as well but you should spread the word. It is my most important issue
angela jewhurst
February 26, 2018 at 5:19 pm
good afternoon, i just watched you on tv and the way you are working to ban the assault weapons, but i have a question to ask, why is not that any one gave any thoughts of make the magazine hard to get? because my feelings is the gun itself does not kill but the bullets do, so why not make that hard to get? yes if someone wants them bad enough they will get it, but in the mean time would save some lives, my dad used to be an avid hunter, mostly to feed his nine kids, so when he shot he shot for food, birds or wild rabbits, but never people or dogs or cats you name it, he made his own and just enough to go hunting than his rifle was safely put in a cabinet, no bullets to be found in the house, can you iamagine with nine kids? so is it possible to concentrate on that too instead of just the guns or guns of wars? my thinking is if they do not have the bullets how thy can kill with the gun alone? does it make sense to you? you have to agree because you were in a war i lived in a war in italy, between germans and americans, so i know what those guns can do beside i do not think they had such a gun in those days did they?
i really really wish you would take on this issue too i really really believe it would solve some problems
do not put too much into what trumps says i know you are a republican and he is your president but he has shown in the past that his judgment at times goes like up and down and to hell, he puts too much into the wrong things like the wall and the parade, we need that money to hire veterans to help keep school safe, and not spent on frivolous things like a parade and the wall! so, i know you are his party but be careful who you trust i do not care if it is your president or not!
thanks i hope you read this and iam not just wasting my time
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