Gov. Rick Scott was endorsed by the national, state and local Chambers of Commerce for Senate in Jacksonville Thursday morning.
Flanked by local Republican public officials, Scott enjoyed tributes to his economic record and leadership, which were contrasted to the Chamber-unfriendly performance of incumbent Democrat Bill Nelson.
The Jacksonville Chamber’s CEO Daniel Davis lauded Scott for his commitment to jobs.
A representative from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce contrasted Nelson (“a career politician … a failed leader”) to Scott (“a result oriented man who comes from our family).
Marc Wilson of the Florida Chamber described Scott as “a leader’s leader … a champion of small business and equal opportunity.”
Scott framed the endorsement as “humbling” and “historic,” noting the backing of the federal, state, and local Chambers.
Citing his familiar economic achievements (1.5 million jobs, 100 tax cuts, and the retiring of $9 billion in debt), Scott asserted that “we need to do the same thing in D.C.”
Prepared statements offered the same sort of insights.
“With the support of partners like our Chambers of Commerce, Florida has set an example to the rest of the country on how government should create an environment for businesses small and large to thrive. That is exactly what I am going to do in D.C., and I appreciate the support of our national, state, and local job creators as we show Washington what it means to get to work,” Scott asserted.
“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce our endorsement of Governor Rick Scott for the U.S. Senate as part of the first joint local, state and national Chamber endorsement in Florida history,” said U.S. Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President Rob Engstrom. “Governor Scott has a proven track record of fighting for tax cuts and pro job creation policies that have helped Florida’s economy thrive. We look forward to seeing this leadership continue in the Senate as we continue to work together to support long-term economic growth for American families and businesses.”
“I have seen firsthand the incredible economic turnaround in Florida under the leadership of Governor Rick Scott,” said Florida Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Mark Wilson. “His laser-like focus on cutting taxes and eliminating burdensome regulations has made it easier for Florida businesses, both large and small, to thrive and create new opportunities for Florida’s families. Electing Governor Scott to the U.S. Senate will ensure the rest of the nation can benefit from the leadership we here in Florida have enjoyed over the last seven and a half years.”
“Governor Rick Scott’s tireless work to cut taxes and remove unnecessary red tape has paved the way for companies to invest billions of dollars in our state and create hundreds of thousands of jobs for Florida families, said JAX Chamber President and CEO Daniel Davis. “Governor Scott will bring the same economic focus to Washington and that’s exactly what we need in the U.S. Senate.”
This event will repeat in Orlando Thursday afternoon.
Scott has already enjoyed the fruits of Chamber backing this week.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is hitting Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson on the economy with six figures worth of ad buys on Tampa and Orlando airwaves.
As first reported by Matt Dixon of POLITICO Florida, the Chamber has so far spent $249,000 getting their message out in Tampa, with another $32,000 spent on running a Spanish language version of the anti-Nelson ad.
Expect similar robust support for Scott in other major markets.
The current Chamber ad is below.