Last Call — A prime-time read of what’s going down in Florida politics.
First Shot
At least three lawmakers from Florida have confirmed their attendance at the National Council of Legislators from Gaming States’ (NCLGS) summer meeting next month in Cleveland.
Sen. Perry Thurston Jr., a Fort Lauderdale Democrat, and Reps. Joe Geller, an Aventura Democrat, and Halsey Beshears, a Monticello Republican, have said they will be there, organizers said.
Thurston currently sits on the Regulated Industries Committee, which handles gambling issues. Geller is Democratic Ranking Member of the House Tourism & Gaming Control Subcommittee. That’s under the chamber’s Commerce Committee, of which Beshears is a member.
So far not attending is incoming Senate President Bill Galvano, a Bradenton Republican, immediate past president of the NCLGS, and the Legislature’s point man on gaming.
In an email this week, the NCLGS said “nearly three dozen legislators from a record 20 states are confirmed to attend” the conference, July 13-15 at the Cleveland Marriott Downtown.
The meeting agenda includes six legislative sessions on “Casinos, Emerging Forms of Gaming, Lotteries, Pari-Mutuels, Responsible Gaming, and State-Federal Relations;” two “master classes” presented by the International Masters of Gaming Law, and a special general session panel “examining the economic impacts of gaming.”
The NCLGS (pronounced “nickel jeez” by those in the know) is organized by Spectrum Gaming Group, the New Jersey-based consulting firm hired by the Florida Legislature in 2013 to review and analyze the state’s gambling landscape.
Evening Reads
“The Donald Trump-Marco Rubio politics of hypocrisy: Cuba, no deal. North Korea? ‘Has great beaches.’” via Fabiola Santiago of the Miami Herald
“Marco Rubio, Bill Nelson introduce Pulse remembrance resolution in U.S. Senate” via Scott Powers of Florida Politics
“Two years after Pulse shooting, Sen. Bill Nelson calls on Congress to take up bipartisan bills” via Sascha Cordner of WFSU
“Rick Scott ad spending hits $17 million” via Alex Leary of the Tampa Bay Times
“Florida universities should charge ‘Chapel Hill’ prices for out-of-state students, Adam Putnam says” via Steve Contorno of the Tampa Bay Times
“Why does Florida’s agriculture department handle concealed gun permits? The NRA wants it to.” via Lawrence Mower of the Tampa Bay Times
“Nikki Fried tries to parlay pot into Cabinet position” via Dara Kam of the News Service of Florida
“Mike Miller attending Miami fundraiser instead of Pulse ceremony in his district” via Scott Powers of Florida Politics
“In marking Pulse massacre anniversary, some politicians downplay LGBT community” via Anthony Man of the Sun-Sentinel
“USDA predictions end 30 million boxes short of pre-Irma orange forecasts” via Danny McAuliffe of Florida Politics
Quote of the Day
“It’s such a beautiful thing to know that your loved ones will never be forgotten, not here in Orlando, not in Florida, not in the United States, not just in Puerto Rico, everywhere, all over the world.” — Robin Maynard-Harris of the onePulse Foundation, in remembrance of the 49 people murdered at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando two years ago.
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Breakthrough Insights
Wake Up Early?
The Florida Bar will kickoff a three-day convention in which West Palm Beach attorney Michelle Suskauer will be sworn in as the group’s president and Vero Beach attorney John Stewart will become the president-elect. That’s at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek, 14100 Bonnet Creek Resort Lane, Orlando.
The Florida Chamber Foundation will continue its annual “Learners to Earners Workforce Summit.” That’s at 8:30 a.m., Renaissance Tampa International Plaza Hotel, 4200 Jim Walter Blvd., Tampa.
Gov. Scott and the Florida Cabinet will meet and discuss numerous issues, including a proposal by Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis for lobbyist-disclosure requirements at Citizens Property Insurance Corp. Also, Florida public power lineworkers will be recognized for their service and performance in state and national competitions that showcase their skills and craft. A resolution honoring them will be presented by Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam. That’s at 9 a.m., Cabinet meeting room, the Capitol.
The Florida Commission on Offender Review will consider a series of parole cases from across the state. That’s at 9 a.m., Betty Easley Conference Center, 4075 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee.
The Board of Directors of the Florida Citrus Research and Development Foundation will meet following a meeting of its Box Tax Advisory Committee to discuss the assessment rate for the 2018-2019 growing season. That’s at 9:30 a.m. Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort, 5001 Coconut Road, Bonita Springs.
The Claims Committee of the Citizens Property Insurance Corp. Board of Governors will hold a conference call. It will receive updates on litigated claims and the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund. That’s at 10 a.m. Call-in number: 1-866-361-7525. Code: 5219676193.
Ryan Torrens, a Hillsborough County Democrat running for Attorney General, is slated to speak to the Gold Coast Tiger Bay Club. That’s at 11:30 a.m., City Fish Market, 7940 Glades Road, Boca Raton.
Sen. Dorothy Hukill, a Port Orange Republican, is expected to discuss the 2018 legislative session during a meeting of the Titusville Area Chamber of Commerce. That’s at noon, La Cita Golf & Country Club, 777 Country Club Dr., Titusville.
Conservative columnist and author Jonah Goldberg will speak to the Tiger Bay Club of Central Florida. That’s at noon, Country Club of Orlando, 1601 Country Club Dr., Orlando.
Sen. Aaron Bean, a Fernandina Beach Republican, and Rep. Cord Byrd, a Neptune Beach Republican, will present a $2 million state check to the Nassau County Ocean Highway and Port Authority for improvements to the Port of Fernandina Beach. That’s at 6 p.m., Nassau County Commission chamber, 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection will hold a meeting to take public comments about draft permits for the city of Clearwater to construct injection wells. That’s at 6 p.m., Clearwater Main Library, 100 North Osceola Ave., Clearwater.
Mike McCalister, a Republican candidate for state agriculture commissioner, is slated to speak to the St. Petersburg Republican Club. That’s at 7 p.m., St. Petersburg Community Church, 4501 30th Ave. North, St. Petersburg.